I thought a jail post would be highly appropriate since I'm headed back to work today. : )
On our trip to Globe, Craig wanted to take a tour of the historic Gila County Jail. I'm not wild about touring jails (Alcatraz gave me the creeps), but I decided to throw Craig a bone since I was dragging him through antique stores. LOL
Well, we got in there and I quickly wanted out! The jail was built in 1910 and was the scene of a murder where a gunman shot a man in his cell from a courthouse window next door. They also described an inmate who had jumped to his death from the upper-story metal bridge between the courthouse and jail. And there was some graphic skinhead white supremacist graffiti on the walls of the cells that made me more than a little nervous.

The place just felt cold, clammy, and dank. Coming into the cellblock, I had noticed cameras set up all over the place, but just assumed it was for security purposes. I was taking photos of the cells and the wall graffiti when my camera just suddenly shut down. I commented that it was weird because I'd just replaced the batteries that morning. The man giving us the tour immediately said that was a fairly common event with cameras in that area of the jail. I acted puzzled, so he finally spelled it out for me. All the cameras I'd noticed were for an investigation by a paranormal group because the jail's haunted. And cameras shut down because
something in that area doesn't like photos! Uhhhhhh -- yikes!

The only place I wanted to be was out of there! I was able to turn the camera back on and finish taking a few more photos, but departed fairly quickly and left Craig to complete the tour.
Downstairs, the woman at the desk commented that if I saw anything unusual in my photos, to please let them know! I haven't noticed anything, but if you spot any ghosts, point them out. LOL

Bridge between jail and courthouse.

Jail memorabilia.

The cellblock. I don't see the ghost!

Skin head graffiti.

Cell where the murder took place.
Adios! Manana. Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe I'll get probation or an early release. : )