I got a wild hair yesterday and decided the best thing I could give Craig for Father's Day was yardwork. Specifically, trimming all the shrubs in the front and mowing the grass so he wouldn't have to this weekend. What was I thinking???
Here's the good news. I didn't electrocute myself. And the bad news? You'll be needing a new outdoor extension cord Craig! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I cut it in half with the hedge trimmers.
It took me over three hours, including trimming all the dead stuff out of the razor sharp yucca. Ouch! While I was working, a Mexican landscaping truck circled three times. I think they were trying to figure out whether to offer me their services. Or maybe they wanted photos of the clumsy gringa doing her own yard work. In the meantime, Milt's Lawn Service showed up across the street and finished all the grass, shrubs, and trees in less than an hour. Afterwards, the man and wife team lit up cigarettes and gawked at my lack of progress. The woman with her gravelly smoker's croak yelled across the street, Lady, you're one hard workin' woman. Translation -- you don't have a clue!
Later in the afternoon, we got our first monsoonal dirt storm of the summer. And it nullified the clean courtyard. I KNEW that would happen!

I was howling reading this one. I've cut an extention cord with the trimmers before too. Lucky you didn't get a shock.
Next time let that landscaping team help. I think they were taking pictures of "how not to" for their clients.
I have never mowed a lawn in my life. My Daddy didn't trust me with anything electrical and Frank doesn't trust me with anything larger than the blender.
HaHaHaHa! I can SOOOOOOO relate. This is from the woman with the "Yard from Hell!" lol You go, girl!
And here's the postscript! We had company over tonight and when they left we noticed all the outside landscaping lights are off. So I probably tripped a breaker when I cut the cord. Craig reset the breaker and nothing, so now we have to figure THAT out! No good deed goes unpunished! HA!
And Jeanie. Craig's always traveled, so I used to be the primary yard man until the last few years. I can even man the pick! I'm just a little out of practice!
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