Mission creche. Notice Baby Jesus in a hammock!

Christmas wreaths.

Pepper garlands for a Southwest Christmas!

Christmas tree decked out with flowers!

A Christmas window.

A desert tree with cotton snow.

A classy nativity.

Mission creche. Notice Baby Jesus in a hammock!
Christmas wreaths.
Pepper garlands for a Southwest Christmas!
Christmas tree decked out with flowers!
A Christmas window.
A desert tree with cotton snow.
A classy nativity.
Warning -- Rated R for rant. I know I'm leaving some impressive people out, but here's my candidates for Grinch of the Year 2008!
1. The Big Oil Speculators -- Grrrrrrrr. They crippled the American and world economy and made out like bandits. Let's hope some of them didn't get out quick enough and took it in the shorts (but I doubt it).
2. George W. -- I wouldn't even even know where to start with him, but I'll just say -- "You're doin' a heck of a job Brownie." Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
3. Bernie Madoff -- His billions weren't enough for him. What a last name for a scammer!
4. Sarah Palin -- She tried to set this country back 30 to 40 years. And I'm not talking about abortion rights. Her attempts to divide people by pitting whites against anyone different than them, small town folks against city dwellers, etc... was just disgusting. I hope she ends up back in Wasilla testifying at Bristol's future meth-cooking mother-in-law's trial. And please dear -- keep your kids in school. I can't remember any past candidate dragging their school age kids around on the election trail for three months parading them in the dog and pony show.
5. My dentist -- Bah humbug! He overcharged me $2200 and then acted put out when I requested a refund check instead of a credit on his books. Nothing like having to grovel to get your money back. Truthfully, that's the first time I've run into that situation. And you ask how I discovered it? The wonders of the internet. Take the time and view your insurance benefits and claims online. I just happened across his 'little' mistake.
6. My shutter company -- The owner slammed my Visa card with a huge bogus charge. After charging me the $600 owed, he then snuck in a little $1600 tip for himself a couple of weeks later. And then waited until I filed a fraud complaint with my Visa card to straighten it out. I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt for 2 weeks until I turned him in. It makes me wonder if hard times are resulting in a lot of scams. So check those Visa bills twice because I had 'extra' charges on my credit card four times this year. The 'found' money (including the dentist) for the year added up to almost $5000.
7. The Bumpus's (our not so esteemed next door neighbors) cat -- Okay, I shouldn't be peeved at an innocent animal, but quit fouling our backyard patio chiminea. That's where I hide the extra key! Nothing like digging through cat poo when you're locked out! And can you imagine the smell if we actually burned wood in that thing! I think I'll turn it into a planter in the spring (if I can get someone else to clean it up!). I think the cat is teasing Saby, but PLEASE! :)
8. Sheriff Joe -- Well, just because he's Sheriff Joe! What other urban county in the nation would re-elect HIM? He's a carnival act unto himself! If only Santa would have brought him a new toupee for Christmas!
9. John Edwards -- What the heck! He has an affair while his wife has breast cancer and then runs for President, knowing full well THAT dropped bomb would lose the election (not to mention his wife's humiliation) if he was nominated. What an egotistical schmuck!
10. I reserve #10 for all the guys in big jacked-up pickup trucks who try to run me over daily in my VW Bug convertible. It's like I'm waving a red flag! Today, it was a red Nissan Titan. His front chrome was dented, so evidently he's squashed a few other bugs. I wish I could fly my fickle middle finger, but THAT behavior gets you shot nowadays! Thank God I'm on blood pressure medication!
Feel free to add to the list! It's good for your health to hang it all out once in awhile! Ahhhhhh. I feel so much better!
Joke or not?
Anyway, they have great imports from all over the world with an emphasis on Mexico and Central and South America. Everything from folkart to large furniture pieces. I love their stuff and managed to find a few goodies this trip. I wish I'd had a big bag of money to spend! :)
No, I didn't bring their sign home with me. :)
This paper maiche painted bowl looks great in the kitchen above the cooktop.
I love these door/wall strings. This one's great for Christmas with the stars and bells.
I picked up this rustic star in the garden center.
They had this Christmas wallhanging drastically reduced, so it came home with me!
Here's another one of the strings. This one is little birdies!
If you're ever in the neighborhood, stop in and take a look. They also have stores in Santa Fe, Hollywood, and a couple other locations. One of the clerks told me they have plans for a Phoenix location. That'd be cool! Albuquerque's kind of a long drive!
She was busy the entire day sniffing out meat. Here she's stalking the turkey.
I'm probaby two in this picture with my brother. I can tell it's Christmas because my grandmother always bought me a velvet dress or jumper for Christmas every year. I think the big brand was a Kate Greenway -- or something like that.
And here's Michael. His second Christmas and there's still no love lost for the man with the big white beard! But I'm sure he was much happier on Christmas morning!
Christmas at my parents house -- age 3! When Michael sat on Santa's lap that year, he choked and told him all he wanted was books for Christmas. That box is definitely not books!
Christmas in Omaha, age 4. Ready to open gifts!
So, life changes and Christmas evolves. If we're lucky, we adapt to find joy in all the moments! Here's wishing that all of you find that 'special something' this Christmas!
Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas! Mele Kalikimaka!
As Tiny Tim said, "God Bless Us Everyone!"
My apologies to all my friends who normally receive Christmas cards or gifts from me every year. I fell off the Christmas train as it rounded the bend and haven't had the heart to chase it down. I promise next year I'll belt myself onto the train and ride it all the way!
I learned some important lessons this year. I bailed out on almost all Christmas shopping and I can't believe the difference in stress level. I've always had all these Christmas tasks that I felt HAD to be completed. I simply didn't do most of them this year. I think a lot of people did the same and it probably doesn't bode well for the U.S. economy. I took care of the mom's and Michael, but I lost my taste for it after that.
We did manage to get the tree up after we finally located it! The day after we got back from our emergency trip to Kansas, Craig went out to the garage to retrieve the 'tree in a box.' He came back in and announced that our Christmas tree had been stolen??? Thank God Michael was around to remind us that we'd put the tree in his storage unit back in July.
Anyway, the tree's up and I bought a turkey today. I'll do the rest of the grocery shopping tomorrow and get the presents wrapped (I did buy a few). This year's different, but I bet we won't even notice! Christmas, in the end, is all about our relationships with those we hold dear, and not all that commercial stuff! It's a time to eat, drink, and be merry with family.
And I promise I'll catch ya next year with the Christmas cards!
Santa's probably thinking "Good God, give me a DRINK!" Michael's thinking, "Oh my God, what are they DOING to me!" We had the best of intentions, but ten months was probably way too young for Michael to visit Santa. In fact, we may have scarred him for life. I used to dress him up every year and take him to this Santa, the best Santa in Kansas City. But Michael viewed Santa in the same class as mimes and clowns. He liked the presents, but could not stand sitting on the weirdo's lap! He definitely didn't take after me! :)
White Chocolate Cranberry Pistachio Fudge
3 cups white chocolate chips
1 - 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup dried sweetened cranberries
1 cup shelled pistachio nuts
1 t. pure vanilla extract
It's called dump fudge because you can dump all the ingredients in a sauce pan over low heat to melt, then dump it into an 8 x 8 pan to chill. And it's done! Having ruined a batch because I scorched the chips in the bottom of the pan, I now use a double boiler. You can use a regular sauce pan on low if you stir it constantly. Dump the 3 cups of white chocolate chips and can of sweetened condensed milk into the saucepan. Add the vanilla. Stir over low heat. Once the mixture is melted, turn off the heat and add the cranberries and nuts. Stir stir stir (they should call this carpal tunnel fudge)! Then fold the mixture into an 8 x 8 glass or metal cake pan that's been lightly buttered on the bottom and sides. I put it in the fridge to set it quickly, then cut into small pieces to package as Christmas gifts!
Here's the finished product!