Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I'm Here!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Outta Here!
Ahhhhhhhhhh. Bags checked. No delays yet! On my way to Paradise! : )
See ya later alligator!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sorry . . .
Here's my new favorite song! And it's so appropriate right now! : )
Friday, June 25, 2010
Frappes and Invests!
First the good news! I found these great little packets at Costco for making my morning coffee frappes! I'm trying one this morning at my McCafe (McHugh Cafe) and they're actually great! All that's needed is water and ice. I have a hard time on Isla without my blended coffee drinks, so problem solved! So I'll be packing my tiny blender! While I'm sampling my first little Cafe Frappe, I'm contemplating a pulsing red blob on the horizon.
And that's the questionable news. Invest 93. I'm starting to think I'm a jinx! In 2005, Wilma hit the weekend I was supposed to be arriving for a month on the island. Then I had that little skirmish with Ida in November, and now another one. But I guess it's IS hurricane season and nothing to do with me. Hopefully this thing will fizzle out and blow by as a little tropical disturbance and not impact the Yucatan or the Gulf and all the oil mess! And hopefully, my plane will lift off Tuesday morning and land in Cancun as scheduled! : )
I'm regretting now that I'm not flying US Air! I'd have a high probability of landing in Cancun on Tuesday no matter what the weather! Those people obviously have basketball-sized cajones! They landed flights during the time Hurricane Ida was passing through the Yucatan Channel in November. Evidently, the thought of getting a big old expensive plane stuck and/or damaged on a runway just didn't bother them. My flight, which I gambled would not arrive and takeoff that Sunday, left as scheduled right after Ida passed by. Why let a little hurricane ruin your flight schedule!
So I'm not going to sweat it! I will get there one way or another. Maybe late, but I'm going! And that seaglass hunting should be especially fine!
P.S. I did buy trip insurance! Don't leave home without it! Last year I incurred no extra costs whatsoever when Ida hit because the airlines and hotels on Isla really work with people when hurricanes are involved. I mainly buy it for medical and emergency medical evacuation purposes! Peace of mind!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday -- Not a Beach Day!
After my morning walk, bike ride, and swim, I headed to Kohl's to buy some beach towels on sale. I found the beach towels, but decided to take a look around at what else was on sale. Big mistake. I tried on some clothes in a dressing room and then stopped at the jewelry counter to look at earrings. A little bit of mindless wandering. Mindless being the key word. Long story short -- I managed to lose my expensive prescription sunglasses. I think I laid them on the jewelry counter when I tried on a pair of earrings. I walked a few steps to look at the silly baubles in the mirror and when I returned, no sunglasses! What the heck! I searched through the store for at least an hour retracing my steps, checking the lost and found, asking clerks around the store, and even going through all the dressing rooms. Gone! A clerk said someone probably snatched them thinking they were designer glasses, but actually, they're just cheap Kirkland Costco frames with very expensive prescription lenses. Ugh!
So, that was the start of my bad day. I realized soon after there's no way to replace them before I leave for Isla next Tuesday since it takes at least a week to order and get them. Fortunately, I found my older pair with the progressive lenses, so I will be able to see on my trip!
I guess some days are diamonds, and some days are definitely NOT! Later today, I'll head to Costco with my older prescription sunglasses to have them adjusted and tightened up.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Week from Today
What will I do next Tuesday night after I'm checked into the room? Head down to the docks for one of these?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Roadrunner's got a serious case of bedhead!
Roadrunner, just like his cartoon counterpart, was taunting the coyote. Saby whined, groaned, jumped around, while Roadrunner smirked. After staring at us for about five minutes, Roadrunner turned and ran down the other side of the wall. Why bother to fly when you can scale walls and run fast!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Gettin' Beachy!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Lunch at El Zocalo
I love El Zocalo's decor. It's located in a historic building and decorated with lots of carved wooden armoires, talavera pots and plates, and brightly colored Mexican art.
And here's my Maximilliano salad. It tasted as good as it looks!Gwen pulled a Goldilocks and found a chair that was juuuust right!
We ignored the 100 plus degree temps and took a look around the rest of the area. This old truck sits in front of another restaurant -- Murphy's Law.
Gorgeous summer pots! Since I didn't plant any new flowers this season due to all my summer travel plans, I love looking at other people's!
Look at this custom made bike! It was in a glass gallery.
Guess where we headed next? Hmmmmm. More to come on Monday! : )
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Eats and More Antiques
And I opted for the chicken salad croissant.
And then I was hoofing it back down the street to another antique store.
It was Memorial Day weekend and they were ready for a picnic!