Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Let the Rain Come Down

No, it didn't rain today here in Arizona. It was sunny, beautiful, and 89 degrees. But it was one of those days when everything seems to go wrong!

It started last night. Craig and Michael took Saby for her evening walk. They ran into four silly women who were letting their four big dogs (3 boxers and a pitbull mix) run off leash in the community lakes area. One big boxer charged Saby and she ended up with a bite above her eye. That's the second time in two weeks that she's been bitten by another dog running off leash. One bite above each eye now. Ouch. The dog owner's response to Craig was -- My dog doesn't bite. Right. Saby had the blood to show it. So tonight when Craig walked Saby, he took a wooden cane with him. Maybe he can cane the owners if their dog attacks! Hopefully, it won't happen again and he'll never need to use it. Thank God I wasn't walking her alone because I don't think I could have kept the dog from doing more damage to Saby or me.

Strike number two came this morning. It was in the lo-60's and we had the windows open. I suddenly realized that the pool pump was coming on, then shutting down about a minute later. I went out to try and troubleshoot it, but no luck. So I called the pump manufacturer for a service call. Cha-ching, cha-ching. Hopefully, some of it will be covered by the warranty.

And then add a broken window to the list. It looks like something that happened as a result of a manufacturer's defect.

Oh well. Tomorrow's supposed to be another lovely day with a high of 90. And then Saturday night, the rain IS supposed to come down! And you know I do love rain! : )


Sue said...

Poor Saby, and shame on that owner for letting loose dogs that attack and bite. After witnessing that attack a few months ago here, I understand how hard it is to stop it, and how frightening it can be. Don't blame you for not walking Saby by yourself, I don't walk either of our dogs for the same reason. (by the way, that dog that attacked is dead now, not sure why or how).

jeanie said...

Oh no!!!!! Poor Saby!

Chrissy y Keith said...

Beck, better then a cane would be a can of pepper stray or mase. I think you can probably buy it at any gun store. In Alaska we just get it at the grocery store. I carried it everytime I was hiking or fishing. The stuff sends bears running the other way, I am very sure it will put down an unleashed dog and unruly owner.

Isla Deb said...

You know what they say...when it rains, it pours! I had that happen when I had a dog in South Dakota. I was walking her on a leash down the main street in Custer, and a dog jumped out of the back of a truck and attacked her. Very scary experience. Please can be just plain stupid.

Isla Deb said...

Oops...I meant "people" can be just plain stupid. (Dyslexic fingers.)

Islagringo said...

Pepper spray or mace is an excellent option. Small, portable and sprays where you aim. Or you can carry a cattle prod. That'll stop 'em!

Bennie said...

I hate to hear about Saby. How irresponsible of the owners to do that.