We're headed to Santa Fe tomorrow and it's supposed to be snowing??? Hmmmmmm.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Meet Me At the Wigwam!
We're headed to Santa Fe tomorrow and it's supposed to be snowing??? Hmmmmmm.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Hats! The Hats!
I'm hoping that Archbishop gets groomed for the wedding. In his pre-interview, he looked alarmingly disheveled with white hair sticking out everywhere! Then there's Boris, the Mayor of London, with his blonde Beatle mop of hair. He's definitely more of a personality compared to the more staid but quite dashing Prime Minister.
The hats, the hats! How in the hell are some of those satellite dishes anchored to their heads? Victoria Beckham with her tightly drawn brunette ponytail seems to have a large ornamental hat pin screwed into her brain to anchor that silly thing on her forehead. Maybe that's why she looks so funereal and painfully pinched? Wonder what the photographic bounty for a smiling photo of Posh would be? But I guess it's so vogue to never smile. : (

Wish they'd speed this thing up because I need to start getting organized and packing. We're leaving tomorrow on a cross-country roadtrip!
Oops. There's Wills! Must go! : )
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Writing on the Beach
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April Flowers
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Oh the Things We Will See

A wooden chicken with a park ranger hat?
The Big House Cab! I snapped this photo a few miles down the road from a state prison. Need a ride when you're getting sprung from the Big House?

When Cadillacs fly!

I was chomping on a salad at California Pizza Kitchen when I looked up and noticed the red Cadillac on its perch. Cadillac Ranch sounds like a Nevada whore house, but I guess it's a restaurant chain? I really need to get out more!

We were lost in downtown Phoenix when I noticed this sign. Craig was driving and we couldn't stop, so it has that nice blurred effect. The Westward Ho opened in 1928 and is one of Phoenix's historic hotels.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Feliz Cumpleanos!
We celebrated his birthday with dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant and some carrot cake at home. And no, I didn't grate carrots for hours to produce a carrot cake. That's why God invented Fresh and Easy!
Earlier on that special day, we got up early so he could open his present. And no silly, this isn't his present! It's just a cool motorcycle in the parking lot at Joe's Farm Grill where we went for breakfast.
I'm sure Craig would choose the breakfast special anyday over a Navy blue and leather hog!
Happy 60th Craig!
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Quick Scottsdale Antique Tour

As we passed ASU Skysong (that's the funny looking building above with the sails), I threatened to drop Craig off so he could catch up on work, but he declined. I guess he'd rather be antiquing with me. The antique malls were just kitty-cornered on Scottsdale Road.

Here's a few highlights. These old fridge containers are hot items now. Wonder if we should start saving milk cartons?
Root beer sofa.

Antique wooden Mexican box for mail.
I always wanted a poodle skirt!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tubac Funky

I love this old Mexican Coca-Cola table. It looks like a marriage between a metal Coca-Cola folding table -- the type I've seen so many times on Isla Mujeres -- and an old wooden table. Wish it was for sale!

The local Tubac beer joint. An older woman from the trailer court next door came out and watched me taking this photo. I think she was perplexed? Craig referred to a local bar as the beer joint yesterday and we had a laugh over that. That's what we called bars when we were growing up in Kansas, probably because only private clubs could serve anything stronger than 3.2% beer. Was that term common anyplace else in the U.S.?

These paper maiche dolls were very popular, but oh dear, her mama never taught her to sit with her legs together.

Monday, April 18, 2011
Pot Centro
Here kitty kitty kitty!