Last one in the pool's a rotten egg! : )
P.S. 48 degrees and light rain!
Ugh! I spent today reviewing U.S. History, Civics, World Geography, and a lot of other STUFF! All so I can take a test tomorrow for a project I may or may not want. Geography used to be my strong suit -- OMG! I know the U.S. like the back of my hand, but why do they keep renaming all these countries?!!! LOL I'll keep you posted. I can't believe I knew all this stuff at one time! : )
Quote for the day:
We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget.
- Joan Didion
Some little lady's missing her purty pink cowboy boots!
A cool collection of souvenir glasses from the 60's!
I think I've been watching too much HGTV -- specifically Househunters International -- and the Travel Channel lately. I've started to accumulate a list of dream destinations. It seems like we don't have the time to explore them now since our vacations together are limited to a week, but it's my Bucket List for retirement a few years down the road. Here are some of the destinations I've bookmarked so far.
The Corn Islands off the coast of Nicaragua look like our kind of place. I love these photos from one of their travel sites.
A $5 lobster dinner on a Corn Island beach.
I try to not brag too much about the great weather here when I know other parts of the country are snowbound, but sometimes I can't help myself! Yesterday was beautiful. Sunny and a high in the upper 70's.
After taking Saby on her morning walk and doing chores, I headed out to run some errands with all the windows down on the Bug! All the shopping areas have big containers of beautiful flowers. Petunias like this are plentiful in the winter.
This shiny bike was parked out in front of Walmart. What a day for a spin!
It was too nice to sit indoors, so I took my book outside for awhile. I'm currently into Olive Kitteredge.
I planted myself in one of the Adirondacks. I found these last year and Craig put them together and finished them for me.
The sun quickly got too hot, so I moved over to the covered patio. I decided to bring my box of tricks outdoors and make a watch. I spent a couple of hours putting this one together while Saby sunbathed.
The forecast for today is more of the same! If this keeps up, all the tourists coming down for spring training should love it!
For anyone who reads my blog and isn't familiar with the various Isla Mujeres message boards, a tragic fire took place Friday night in the new Colonia Guadalupana on the island. The video above shows the aftermath. The last total I heard was that 18 homes burned. These are people with very little who lost everything.
A friend who designs gorgeous seaglass jewelry to sponsor a student's college expenses on the island is now donating all her proceeds to the cause to help those people left homeless. Please take a look at her designs on her Etsy site -- Silver Moon Gallery. She has beautiful necklaces, bracelets, bookmarks, wineglass charms -- all sorts of goodies!
While I plan on taking some donations down to the island on our next trip in July, these people need help sooner than that. I decided I'd just donate money directly. In addition to donating the proceeds from her jewelry sales, Jana also graciously offered to act as a go-between to get money donations to the La Gloria English School on Isla where they are helping coordinate the effort. I made a quick donation today to the cause by using her PayPal account.
So please consider buying some of Jana's beautiful jewelry or donating money to the victims of the Guadalupana fire.
Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch!
On my way out the door with the free bag of food, it suddenly hit me that this must be my lucky day! I should have stopped at the 7-Eleven on the way home to buy lottery tickets, but I was hungry. So I sped home, snarfed my free gourmet panini and the chocolate chip cookie that came with it, and watched the first episode of the new Survivor season!
The bottlebrush has pretty red blooms on it!
So -- it's time to get out in the backyard and start trimming and fertilizing! I can make the annual trip to the nursery to replace the plants that didn't survive the winter. And I guess it's also time to stock up on the Bengay!
I think we're supposed to be back into the 70's next week. It'll still be another month or so before I permanently put the long pants and long-sleeved tops away, but we're getting there!
Here we have Moses's shoe/foot. The man is quite a character. He saw me snapping photos of doors on Juarez across from his shop and insisted I take a picture of his shoe to take to the grandkids back home. (No grandkids here!)
I love this altar. It's next to a small tienda out in the colonias.
Oregano's has the best pizza in town. We ordered the Numero Uno with thin crust, ate half, and saved the rest of the pie for a Super Bowl snack.
In addition to great pizza, Oregano's has a funky pizza parlor ambience.
I'm not a big football fan, but the Super Bowl was an exciting game with some funny commercials. Here's one of my favorites!