wooo hooooo
You people are just NO fun at all!
One of the reasons I worry is because she doesn't bark to get in or out! She only barks when she sees other dogs or when people come to the front door. Her first owner trained her a little too well.
She had her own little Saturday night backyard campout in the late spring this year. I got up on a Sunday and noticed she wasn't hanging around waiting for her morning walk. I yelled for Saby and she didn't come. I finally opened the back door and in rushed a scared but excited Saby!
Hmmmm. Maybe I should start taking my camera to Walmart with me! They suggest going around or after midnight to capture the truly bizarre! Truthfully, I don't think I could stay up that late! We were in Sam's and Walmart tonight and saw a couple of likely candidates. The catch, of course, is that the photographer has to get the bizarre person's permission for the picture. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable approaching the insanely and ridiculously disturbed for his/her/its photo!
But I think I'll put a link to the website on my blog so I can get a good laugh evey day!
Every month, I get a newsletter from our beloved landscaper -- the scoundrel we entrusted with our landscape design when the house was brand new and the yard was a blank dirt palate. If only he'd pay as much attention to actual real time customer service as he does to putting out these silly little monthly marketing ploys. Don't even get me started! Anyway, I got his August newsletter in my e-mail box this week and it included a link for Monsoon Healthcare. Hmmmmmm. I didn't know there were health concerns in Arizona unique to the monsoon? This paragraph grabbed my attention:
Monsoon has arrived and it is a right time to watch your food intake during this season. This season brings the excitement that makes you feel tempted to taste the spicy, road-side snacks but it also brings the germs and bacteria that may cause you health problems. Cough, cold, flu and water-born diseases such as cholera, gastroenterities are the frequently observed health problems during rainy days. Handle them effectively with your regular kitchen ingredients. A little care can keep the monsoon troubles at bay. Read more to know how eating right and maintaining hygiene will keep you fit and healthy.
Reading on, the author warns to drink boiled water, then recommends lots of home-cooked curries. So, if I'm understanding him clearly, I need to eat more of this in order to avoid cholera and gastroenteritis?
Mmmmmmmm. How can I resist all this?
God knows, conditions on the street here in Phoenix, Arizona suburbia can get rather unhygienic this time of year, so maybe that spicy street food really isn't a good idea!
The Toto charm is a natural for me since -- I'm from Kansas! And Beach Babe just seemed fitting since Life's a Beach! Actually, I found one that said life's a beach, but I liked this one more. What I love about soldered charms is the flip side -- you really get a two for one! Two different looks in one charm!
Uh oh! Now I'm a little afraid Etsy will become my Home Shopping Network! I was back on there today browsing.
By the way, I purchased the Bathing Beauty Pendant at http://www.sissyart.etsy.com/. The Toto Charm came from Art Under Glass at http://www.artunderglass.net/.
And don't forget Jana's beautiful seaglass jewelry at http://www.silvermoongallery.etsy.com/!
I love this rustic little piece. It'd make a great night stand in my bedroom!
It's hard to see the scale of this coffee pot, but it's industrial size. I'm still thinking about getting that one since I collect the white enamelware! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Betty Boop was way before my time, but this is quite a collection!
And Betty was evidently popular in Asia? Can't tell if the comic book is Japanese?
I LOVE this old typewriter. It was on hold. My grandmother had a similar older model that was a permanent fixture on her dining room table. She was constantly typing letters to friends and family, recipes, poems, etc....
Okay, I always see something WEIRD every trip!
One can never have enough Elvis, thank ya very much!
Love this little old table. It could probably be used as a small desk. I think it's what I'd call a marriage because the top is pine, bottom is oak.
Tiaras for princesses!
Like the colors in this booth!
I finally found this cute little luggage piece! I'll show you what I'm doing with it later!
This bug is so weird, it's kinda cute! I think it might be a Walkingstick?
Saw this on the news yesterday! I bet JoAnne's Gumbo can do this!!! Probably wearing his tiny sombrero! : )
Whatever it was, I bet it scared the holy crap out of the illegals who live down that road in trailers behind the dairy operation!
This one, on top the kitchen cabinets, is the rectangular white enamelware pan.
Now I'm thinking about all the old trays, pie plates, and mirrors in the house that I could renovate. Craig is getting very very nervous. He told me Saturday that he thought the three pieces were enough! Who knows, when he returns on Friday, I may have turned the big powder bath mirror into a huge chalkboard with bano written in 15 different languages! : ) Whatta ya think? Or maybe Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Be afraid! Be VERY afraid Craig! Middle-aged crafter gone wild! HA!
Vintage purse. Can't remember the price on it, but it was astronomical!
Last and least! This guy didn't come home with me. I hate clowns! Bah humbug!