I thought about trying a wordless Wednesday pic today, but it's not in my nature to be wordless. Somehow, I always feel the need to explain.

I love to walk Medina south to take photos of the boats. Since I was staying at the south end of the airport strip, I tacked it onto my walk into El Centro one day. If only they'd just let me cut across the Navy airstrip! I'm kidding of course, but seriously, it'd create a great shortcut to Milagro's, the Soggy Peso, Chuuk Kay, and other points west!

There's a photo of Craig in his dress whites in the right margin of this page. Why not wear his sailor suit and try a shortcut through the naval base? You might also practice your impression of Popeye.
Greta photos. I need to get back to posting shots from vacation, otherwise I'll still be doing them when we go next year!
Somehow, I don't think I'd be wanting to swim with the whale sharks on the Mary Cruz!!!
I've often thought about sneaking across the air strip. It always looks unguarded and deserted. However, then my good sense gives me a visual of being chased down by the Mexican Navy. Not pretty.
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