Pedicures have also become impossible. For some reason, the uncontrollable leg jerks always strike when I'm in the chair having my toes done. It always induces puzzled giggles from the Vietnamese toe torturer which turns to exasperation by the time they get to the applying nail polish stage. I literally have to hold my leg down by pressing on my knee in order to keep my leg still enough for them to finish the job.
And it's not just the embarrassment at the nail salon or dentist's office -- it's literally crawling out of my skin on flights and not being able to sit though a movie or watch television on my own sofa without being in misery. And the current medication I'm on just seems to intensify the leg movement rather than suppress it.
So I scheduled a doctor's appointment yesterday to try and solve the problem. My blood pressure, for the first time I can ever remember, was actually too low. I have white coat syndrome (my blood pressure shoots sky high when I enter a doctor's office) and I'm on B.P. medication for high blood pressure, so not even that medication is working properly. My doctor, who is normally extremely nice, seemed a little exasperated by my pharmaceutical complaints, but she came up with a plan to figure out just what the hell is going on! So today I go cold turkey on most of my medications except for the Nexium. The Nexium actually works like a charm. (As it should since it costs an arm and a leg!)
The doctor prescribed a sleeping pill which I was extremely skeptical about. Why add another fricking medication to the mix! But I finally gave in once the pharmacist explained the multiple qualities of the drug that will help with the withdrawal from the other medications and get me through the next few weeks.
I took the first pill last night and it worked. Once I finally drifted off to sleep, I was navigating the streets of Bali in the world's tiniest little car dragging my feet on the ground to brake when I met obstacles. The little clown car had the loudest muffler in the world which actually woke me up at 6:00 a.m.! I'm thinking that loud muffler was my snoring??? HA!
This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.
I go in Monday for bloodwork to make sure the sudden ramp up with the leg jerks isn't due to any underlying condition such as Parkinson's, anemia, kidney failure, etc.... I'm not too worried. I'm fairly confident the leg jerks were brought to me by the miracle of modern pharmaceuticals!
But meanwhile, I'll be cruising the roads of Bali in my clown car every night! Who knows, if we could get this leg jerk thing solved, maybe I might actually be able to fly there someday!

I'm sorry that you're going through all that. Your Dr. was wise to give you sleeping pills. You can't heal if you can't sleep. I agree about the Nexium. It is the best drug ever! I'm currently appealing to our government drug plan (we took a buyout on our old one) to include Nexium. My Dr. has to fill out some forms. I stated "A life without Nexium is NOT a life. LOL
Wow, Beck! Rough times. Hope you keep cruising in Bali and feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about all the problems. Hang in there!
Glad your Doctor took the action she did. My friends who moved to Guayabitos a few years ago found a nice Doctora there that did the same thing. Took them off of all the stuff, then waited a couple of weeks and started them over. Bill used to take several drugs for this and that. Now he is on only 2. Charlotte went for a few to none. They feel better now than they did 10 years ago. Figure that.
Encourage and enjoy your hilarious dreams--a gift to those with a clear conscience.
A Mexican friend of mine had horrible side effects (and nightmares) while on prescription drugs (he also has restless leg syndrom; seems to run in his family). Finally, a couple of years ago, he went cold turkey and is now enjoying better health than ever before.
I am not against all drugs. Sometimes they are absolutely necessary--and seemingly miraculous.
So sorry you are going through this Beck. At least it sounds as if you have a doctor who listens to you and is trying to get things sorted out. Hang in there, sweet dreams!
Awhile back I read that restless legs were (are?) common among shamans(whichever leg was twitching held significance. Can’t recall which or what leg meant what?…) Today, curiosity led me to an article on restless leg syndrome, in which the author says to open up your “Third Eye” and look at the Spirit touching your legs. (Fun read.)
Jeanie, I tried to switch off Nexium to a generic when I was in Mexico in July. BIG mistake! I'm back on it now! Thanks everyone for the comments. The RLS thing is totally out of control and we're not sure why. It's something people dismiss as inconsequential, but I can't believe the number of women I meet(especially on planes) who have it. I sat by a woman a few weeks ago on the way back from Tulsa who was taking Valium for it. She'd been through the entire list of drugs (including the Requip I take) and nothing had worked. I'm hoping getting off one prescription I take will ease my symptoms. Keep your fingers crossed!
I hope the issue is resolved soon, Beck!
Isla Chica
Wish I could help with your cold turkey, but can only offer sympathy. I am more curious to learn whether you get to have repeated Bali clown car dreams. If so, why not wear a scarf ("muffler") to bed so the car noise doesn't wake you? Or perhaps ear plugs? And take your camera to bed with you too, I want to see your photos of Bali !
Off to be a human pin cushion this morning. Linda, I'm hoping it's resolved, but after reading more on the internet, it sounds like it might be a chronic thing. Drgeo, I dreamed I was eating chocolate chip cookies last night and woke up worried since I'm supposed to be fasting for tests today. Then I remembered there are no cookies in the house and no chocolate chips, so it was just a nice dream. And I'm LMAO about the muffler suggestion!
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I have to chuckle but I know it must be really frustrating for you. Hope they get it solved and you stop being such a 'jerk'...(it's just a joke). :-)
Thanks Sue. I'm only taking Nexium and the Requip right now with a sleeping pill as needed. I went cold turkey off the Lexapro (which I think was the culprit) and the doctor pulled me off my B.P. medicine and I'm charting that. Hopefully, in another two weeks, life will be back to semi-normal -- whatever that is! The B.P. is gradually climbing back up, so I'm sure she'll put me back on a lighter dosage. And hopefully, I'll make it through next week's dental appointment without kicking anyone! HA! I'm guessing the tests won't reveal anything other than reactions between medications!
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