Well now -- everyone's heard a million times about how cheap I am! One of the things I've always been cheap about is paying to walk beyond the little gate at Punta Sur. I never felt the urge since I could see those ugly crayon colored metal sculptures from a distance. One Sunday in July, we were cruising the island in the cart on our way to snorkel at Garrafon Hotel. We both felt the urge for an ice cream and thought maybe there'd be a shop at Punta Sur since it's a tourist trap.
If there was a gelato shop, I missed it, so we bought a couple of cones from a guy with a cart. (And by the way, his ice cream really sucked!) While standing around in the fake village, I happened to notice people going up to the ticket booth to pay for the cliff walks, waiting, shrugging their shoulders, and then going on. So I started walking that way and gestured frantically for Craig to follow!
K-Mart Blue Light Special! Almost free! Actually, it WAS free! So off we skipped on our first tour of the cliff area at Punta Sur. Craig was still a little worried the authorities would chase us down, but I assured him no one was going to run after people in that jungle heat, and besides, they'd just assume we were daytrippers who'd paid the big bucks over at Garrafon Park!
Actually, the figures on the posts of the remaining wall are quite nice!
Back to Punta Sur! I love their gardens out in the tourist trap area.
While we were desperately searching for ice cream, I noticed a sleeping dog. Let sleeping dogs lie!
I love the little windows and fancy trim in the fake Caribbean village!
From the edge of the cliffs, I noticed a beach below. Wonder if there's any seaglass?!!!
And finally, I saw the famous Isla Mayan ruin for the first time. Not much there, but the trip was definitely worth it! (And I don't mean it was worth it just because it was free!)
The paths are really cool! I love this tunnel through the cliff.
Craig doesn't always carry a man purse, but sometimes as you know, he's my bee-atch. We didn't dare leave the beach bag on the golfcart!
I would have loved to have walked the paths all the way to the Garrafon Park gate, but this is why we didn't. But I did see people making the trek! Only in Mexico would they have a path without a railing where the waves crash over it and dummies could be swept into the sea. This was the day after the unnamed tropical wave had passed, so I imagine the waves were higher than normal.
Punta Sur is always worth a stop if only to admire all the big iguanas. They're everywhere, they're everywhere!
And that, my friends, ends the free tour of Punta Sur! If you liked the tour, you can make your donations to my retire in Mexico account via PayPal. Thanks in advance for your kindness!
P.S. If you're a newcomer to my blog and don't know me, that last little blip is my droll sense of humor. Although . . . feel free to send me money! : )
I really love going down there and walking around. We actually got down into the water a little once. It's such a beautiful place! I've also performed a fertility ceremony at the temple before. It was evening and no one was around. No admission fee.
Thanks for sharing your illegal activities with us! ;-)
We have to make a point to go here next time!!!
Isla Chica
Uh Jana -- I'm assuming it was you and Mr. Wunderful who 'performed' the fertility ceremony. HA! Linda, I'm so daring, aren't I? Who woulda thunk it!
I try to go there every trip since I visited there in 1999, before there was a fee. Punta Sur is the most beautiful place on the island, and I'm so glad you finally went!
Oh, and Tim thought the fake ruins were the temple, too. If I hadn't been there before (on a moped, no less!), I wouldn't have known to keep going.
It is definitely a beautiful area and worth a stop. Think I may be headed back down over Christmas. Yay!
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