We all hung by the pool this weekend since the temperature was over 110. Once again! Saby monitored the lizards, while I watched the blue dragonflies and orange butterflies fluttering about. Craig tended to the plants, repotting a few of the babies that he's divided off of existing plants in the landscaping. This year, we didn't plant any flowers in pots since we knew they required more water than desert type plants and we wouldn't be home as much to water them. I can't wait for August to be over. Of course, September's not exactly a picnic, but at least by then we can see the cooler temps at the end of the long hot tunnel!
Craig getting ready to take a dip.
This Katie Ruellia sprouted like a weed in the landscaping and now fills a pot.
And speaking of babies, here's Saby hiding in her fort. She lies back in the shade waiting for one of the lizards to make a move, then leaps through shrubs and bounds around the backyard after them!
Craig is going to get sunburned feet sitting like that! :)
I think we are on day 18 or so of straight 100 degree plus days.
The only good thing about it is that even though the pool is 92 degrees it still feels good because it's still more than 10 degrees cooler than the outside temp!
Saby looks like the smart one, hiding out in the shade!
Donna, we've been running the aerator at night and I think the pool was actually down in the high 80's on Sunday. But I wish it'd rain and cool it off!
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