What do you do on a rainy day in Phoenix when the wind is howling and everyone's dashing for cover? I wandered into an antique mall and spent a few hours. I saw some really cool items this trip!

I keep looking at these old typewriters because my Grandma Bowman had one that sat on the end of her dining room table. She did all of her correspondence with it instead of writing. I suppose it was easier on her arthritic fingers.

I was in the antique mall so long, I actually ordered a hot dog. The Little Weinie. It was more bun than dog, but not bad. The hot dog restaurant in the antique mall, Willy's, does a booming business. I notice a lot of workmen coming in for lunch.

Look at these cool vintage spools of suede cord! I thought of Jana and her seaglass pendants. I may have to go back and get the turquoise spool. All of them were $5 and that seems really cheap considering what you'd pay for the same at a bead supply store.

And these are the origin for dark blue cobalt seaglass!

I think I'll have to make a trip back for this little wheelbarrow too! I took photos as I went through the store, and then didn't realize what I forgot to get until I loaded them onto the computer!

Cool old watering can sitting on a cute little wicker table. The table wasn't big enough for the side of our bed, but it's cute!

Some little lady's missing her purty pink cowboy boots!

A cool collection of souvenir glasses from the 60's!

And here we have a genuine Italian accordion in an old leather case. I think the keys were mother of pearl?

Okay, this doll is SPOOKY!!! Google eyes! Looks like she has cataracts!
Cute set of apple dishware!

And look at this cute little white side table! Too small for my purposes, but just adorable!

And look at this cute little white side table! Too small for my purposes, but just adorable!
Wow...this was quite the rainy day. I could take a leaf out of your book. My favorites are the pink cowgirl boots, the Italian accordian and the old cobalt blue bottles. That hotdog didn't look bad either. Thanks for the rainy day journey.
Fair Winds and Calm Seas,
Deborah Leon www.mermaidspurseseaglass.com
That's how I like my hot dog - little meat but lots of onions and mustard and a really great bun. Mmmmm...
Loved the pictures!
Lots of cool stuff! The perfect activity for a rainy day, I agree.
Neat stuff! Don't think I would have made it out without a few things!
Deborah, I love your blog and seaglass jewelry! Sue, thank God I'm on Nexium! Vee and Ann, it was fun! I think I'll head back that way tomorrow. I have to go take a test at work and it's not far from there. Today, I have to cram a bit for the "Are You Smarter Than a 12th Grader" test because I'm NOT in those subject areas. Maybe I'll just go flunk it because I'm not sure I want that project anyway! : )
BTW, how is Saby? Or shouldn't I ask?
Jane, Saby is great. She came through the surgery fine and her tumor was benign. Now eating hard dog food again, taking long morning walks, and generally back to lazing around the house all day. The groomer comes on Friday and she'll have a brand new 'do!
My favorites are the blue bottles and the washboard. People here have washboards built into the outside sink, and I have been known to use one. Good for muscle tone in those upper arms! Thanks for the link on the sidebar.
I love antique stores! I have many to sell when we retire!!
Laurie, I have some old washboards in my laundry room. I love reading your blog!
And Brenda, I need to unload a lot of antiques. I really should rent a table when they have their outdoor flea markets at the local antique mall!
I would have HAD to take those "Pink Lady" glass charms home!!!
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