Saby's been a little irked with me this week. I've been the 'go to' person for taking her to and from vet appointments. First it was shots and her physical, then Monday she had her pre-op appointment where they did her bloodwork to make sure she was fit enough for today's surgery. She expresses her displeasure with all this by facing away from me. Michael suggested that I find someone else to drop her off today so she wouldn't associate me with the procedure. Good suggestion, but not practical since the person in charge had to sign the papers and go over everything.
I wish I'd gotten a photo last night of the look she gave us when she discovered her food bowl was missing from its normal place. She loves to eat right before bedtime despite the fact I've told her over and over it all goes to the hips. She just stood and stared at both of us with a disgusted look on her face. Craig suggested just one little pre-op snack, but I had to say no.
We took her for a ride in the car last night because I was afraid I'd never get her into it this morning since every ride lately has been to the vet's. I guess she always wants to believe she's going someplace special because she hopped right in this morning and enjoyed the ride. Even at the vet's office, she never seems to recognize what's coming until we enter the doors.
Hopefully, this will be her last trip for awhile. I had to sit and sign all the papers this morning and go through all the scenarios. I remember doing this before an exploratory surgery I had ten years ago, and it was just as frightening for me when it was Saby. Hopefully, the tumor in her mouth will be benign and this will be the end of it. Fingers crossed!
Hope Saby will be okay, Beck. She's a sweetie. Let us know, please.
Woo hoooo! The old gal came through with flying colors. The vet said it looks benign. She'll sleep it off until I pick her up around 4 p.m. Plop plop fizz fizz!
Wonderful news Beck! I'm sending virtual belly rubs!
Great news! Dogs are amazing with the guilt trips. Last night, after a couple hours at the beach, Boca decided to hop on my bed. Go bed! The bed is in the room. Go bed! Finally she jumped down, dispeased. How did she demonstrate it? She went inside her pet carrier in another room, virtually slamming the door. Poor Saby. She'll forgive you. Boca and I were pals first thing this morning when the bowl needed filled!
Guess I'm a day late as I was just going to comment that I hoped all would go well. So I'm glad I don't have to wait to find out, all is well with Saby. So glad!
And yeah, those fastings take a toll on all of us - the poor animal doesn't understand and here they don't want them before 10 am so you get a few hours of having to look them in the eye and just deny them food. So hard
Oh, that's wonderful news, Beck!! I'm so happy. Saby is going to be back to her 'posing and smiling for the camera' happy little self soon. YAY!!
My kitty had benign tumors removed from his mouth 3 times. A vet finally gave him some sort of a shot that was either an anti biotic or Allergy thing. I also changed his diet to NOT have any grain products. What ever it is, he has not had any tumors for 2 years. Also, Vet mentioned the evils of plastic feeding and water bowls. My kitties never had them, but just passing that along.
Thanks everyone! Chrissy, we use stainless bowls with Saby. Hope she doesn't get any repeats. She's back to her walks and eating and drinking normally. It's a relief that it was nothing more.
Glad everything turned out so well, Beck. Saby looks like such a sweetie!
"She loves to eat right before bedtime despite the fact I've told her over and over it all goes to the hips."
Kids!!! They never listen!
Glad to hear everything went AOK!!!
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