Then there's Craig. He's always had perfect distance vision, but noticed lately that his store bought cheaters just weren't doing it for him anymore. He couldn't see the television at home as well, not to mention problems with staring at his laptop all day. Bigger television screens didn't solve the problem, so it was time to bite the bullet! He had an eye appointment Wednesday night and ordered two pairs of glasses -- one pair of no-lines for everyday use, and one pair with office lens. Those are fairly new and not just reading glasses. They're specially designed for staring at computers without having to tilt your head up to read the screen, and they also allow you to see about 10 feet across the room clearly.
The house females were both in need of hair maintenance. I went for the color job yesterday, and Saby underwent maintenance by Doggy Do in a van on the driveway this morning. That's the first time someone's come to her, and she loved it! When Shelli brought her back into the house, Saby tried to leave with her. I think she wanted to ride around in the Doggy Do van all day barking at other dogs! HA!

She's been wild and crazy since the groomer left, running patterns all over the house and ripping the stuffing out of her babies! Not bad for a 10-year old gal.

This afternoon, I'm headed to the optometrist for a checkup and some new glasses. I'm actually hoping my cataracts have progressed. I'd love to start all over again with perfect vision! I'm looking forward to that, but I've probably got a few more years to go.
After that, we'll be almost fixed up (except for the fact that I need to get bloodwork and my annual checkup). Aaaargh. I'm a procrastinator.
Cute photos of Saby. And your positive views always put me in a good mood.
Hope Craig likes the computer lens. I considered the computer-vision contacts a couple of weeks ago when I had a checkup, but stuck with monovision contacts so I can see both near and far. More or less, lol! The contacts they showed me were essentially trifocals. Is that what he has?
Vee, he got glasses. But the computer lens are something new. They're made so you don't have to tilt your head up to see the computer screen through the lower half of your glasses, but you can still see about 10 feet out through the upper portion. Those lens are about half the cost of regular progressives. Both of us can't see anything close with single lens. I think trifocals in contacts would be damn hard to wear!
Great post. Sorry to hear you have cataracts. When my mother had her cataracts removed, she looked at my dad, and said, "Wow, you are looking old!" Be prepared to have some good lines for when they fix 'em. She regretted that a bit.
Laurie, that's funny! I have no idea why I got cataracts so early, but I bet it's from not wearing sunglasses when I was growing up in the Midwest. I'll be so glad when they're bad enough to be corrected!
Saby makes me cry. What a princess! Wish we could have a spa day. But, on the plus side, I've got a play date with her chosen heiress!
Beck, the computer contacts are new, too. You can supposedly see the monitor looking straight ahead, distance from the top, close up at the bottom. At least I think that's what the tech told me. And I totally agreed with you - way too complicated for me! I won't even wear bifocal glasses.
Zina, the wrenching thing about having pets is losing them. You got such a horrible double whammy. Go play with the puppies tomorrow and fall in love!
Vee, sounds like those contacts are the same principle. I didn't get any because I figure I'm only working in an office for a few months a year. I got my regular no lines and a pair of no-line sunglasses instead.
HEY! Charlie has that same duck toy! (PetSmart) I know... it's a pheasant, but "Get the Pheasant" just doesn't do it!!! ;-)
Isla Chica
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