Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where Is Mike?

One of the marvels of Facebook is that a parent can follow their child around the world even if they don't see them in person very often.  Sometimes I feel like I'm looking at one of those Where's Waldo books.  Today is Michael's birthday.  His 33rd to be exact!

So Where's Mike this birthday?  He's at the AT&T Pebble in Carmel enjoying his birthday with friends, playing and watching a lot of golf.

 I tried my damndest to addict this child to the beach at an early age, but it just didn't take.  

The only beach he likes now is one next to a golf course!

I think this photo was taken at Bandon Dunes in Oregon.  Since it's a Scottish style course, I'm sure the Guinness was a requirement.

Following a son on Facebook can also be a scary adventure.  Mike no longer needs a permission slip.

Last year was what he termed his best birthday ever.  He jumped out of a plane (OMG).

And got Bill at his birthday party!

Happy 33rd Michael!  Hope it's the best year ever!


  1. Guinness is made in Dublin. For a Scottish course, he might try Irn Bru or Abelour or Drambuie. Just don't mix them!

  2. Awwww, this was a nice blog Beck. Nice to see pictures of your son.
    Very handsome young man. Happy Birthday Mike!

  3. drgeo, maybe that's Scotch in the flask?

    Janet, thanks! I think he's having equally as much fun this year! (I just hope he's not jumping out of a plane.)
