Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cloudy and Shabby Chic'd

Ugh.  It's a cloudy day.  When it's cold (in the 50's) and grey here in Arizona, I switch into slug mode.  I have zero desire when the sun's not out to take the daily walk or bike ride. 

When we first moved to Arizona, friends back home warned me we weren't going to like it!  They told stories about acquaintances who'd moved to the Valley of the Sun and gone crazy from the endless days of looking at the big bright orb.  Those people had chucked in the dream after a year and run back to Seattle with tails between their legs.

Seriously?  It only takes one cloudy day now to depress me.  I don't think I could ever move back to the gloomy Northwest!  Yes, it's hotter than hell here in the summer, but that's the price you pay for a warm sunny winter.

Earlier in the week when the sun was shining I busied myself  repainting an old antique table for the den and creating another seaglass lamp to top it   I took a few photos of my handiwork and thought I'd post them today.

I bought a cheap cork-topped jar at Hobby Lobby and filled it with some eroded conchs and big chunks of green, brown, and black seaglass from the shores of Isla Mujeres.

Add a light kit from Walmart and a burlap shade from Target and it's a lamp!

Then I found a can of black satin paint in the garage and shabby chic'ed an old oak table with it.

And now, I'm going to sink back into this cloudy gloomy afternoon on the sofa and read my new book -- The Weird Sisters.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more on the need for sunshine. Also like what you did with the lamp. I've collected so many shells that I no longer know how to display them.

  2. Arizona is having some weird weather...very un-winter-like, though I predict it'll be sunny by the time we return on the 2nd!

    Absolutely love your lamp and table arrangement. The place mat looks of Zapotec origin. Such talent, which I sorely lack. Best, Lynda

  3. Thanks Lynda! We're supposed to get another blast of low pressure on Wednesday/Thursday this week, just in time to rain on a friend's visit. Boooo. Oh well. Soon it will be 110 degrees. Our tropical vegetation looks like it encountered a blow torch!
