Monday, February 4, 2013

Magic Monday!

Take a jumble of photos from an Isla Monday, mix in a little magic from PicMonkey, and taa-daaaa!  We've got Magic Monday!

I tried to pick some murky photos I've passed over because they weren't obviously pretty pictures.  Why'd I take this one?  It must have been the Mexican blankets on the clotheslines.  If only they'd raise that clothesline a little higher so I could get a better shot.

Roof dog alert!   You're just innocently walking down the street and all of a sudden you're wetting your pants.  Roof dogs love to play the Gotcha Game!  Now I got you buddy!  On film!  Ha!

This malatero's got soul.  Literally, he's packing SOL!

Now this is one of my fave clotheslines!  Love all the embroidery!

Navy troops walking the malecon on a Monday morning.

A one trick Talavera pony.  I'd never noticed him before.  He's on the ledge above M&J's Cazuela.

Craig has a magical Monday planned with an afternoon tee time.  What shall I do to make my Monday magical?   Hmmmmmm.


  1. Good to see that the roof dog phenomena is not only Belize. So bizarre!

  2. Rebecca, I read somewhere that the roof dog tradition started to keep neighborhood cats from finding their way down into homes with interior courtyards. I think it's evolved into the Latin American home security alarm. If you google 'roof dog' now, the subject of Romney's dog comes up. LOL

  3. Thanks Lynda! You've got me excited to see Roatan!
