Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some Akumal Pueblo Photos

I thought I'd follow up the Akumal post with photos from the Akumal Pueblo -- the other side of the highway.  I wish we'd been able to make a return trip for a second look, but my bike exploration days were over after the two falls. 

Typical vendor trike.  One item we missed in the Akumal resort area was the fresh orange juice we buy from vendors on Isla.

We stopped at a tienda to stock up on groceries and I noticed the customary barrel of brooms out front!

Love this big Hot Wheels truck parked along the main street!  Evidently, Hot Wheels is as universal as Coca-Cola.

I've never seen anyone deep frying authentic chicharrones on Isla Mujeres.  I remember seeing a big pot just like this on a street in San Sebastion del Oeste.  A store that sold veggies, fruit, and meat had the pork rinds frying in a pot of grease out front.  I assume the finished product was in this glass case below.

I bought some avocados in this store, but passed on the meat.  I still can't get used to seeing meat hanging unrefrigerated.

Next door, a food stand sold pollo asado and all the fixin's.

Craig posing in front of Verduras Akumal.

Beef, it's for dinner.

In order to cross the highway to get back to the beach side of Akumal, we had to push the bikes up over a pedestrian bridge.  I took the opportunity (actually, I was resting after pushing the bike loaded with milk and beer up the steep ramp) to take a photo of the jungle below. Sorry about the blurred photo.  There's a lot of undeveloped jungle between the beach and highway in the Riviera Maya.

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