Sunday, December 16, 2012

More Mexican Altars

I know I've said it before, but I find so much comfort in all the religious symbolism when I'm in Mexico, especially the little shrines and altars I pass along my way.  Most of us are struggling to understand the events of this past week, so I thought some photos from my November trip might be soothing.

Angels in the cemetery pointing towards heaven. 

Altar at a home on Juarez.

Another casa altar.

The altar at the mercado constantly evolves.

Saw this arrangement on the Poc Chuc counter at the mercado and asked the waiters if it was the Poc Chuc altar.  They laughed.

Looking over the cemetery wall.

Interesting altar on the road to Playa Norte.  Just noticed the tip box?

Shrine along the road to Half Moon Bay in Akumal.

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