Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Watching Juarez

Juarez has always been my favorite street on Isla Mujeres.  It's lined with interesting casas and businesses.  While  Medina's nuts with traffic and daytrippers and Hidalgo's full of restaurants and shops, Juarez is more local populated with people conducting their daily lives. 

Some years back, we'd walk Juarez to the beach -- right down the middle of the street.  A person can still do that in the early morning and late evening hours, but it bustles during the day.  I wish I was sitting at Mogagua right now sipping my morning white chocolate frappe watching the street.

Here's a Juarez sampling from our November trip.

 Hola Dr. Simi!  Got any weight loss pills because I've been consuming way too many of these!

Frappe frappe frappe frappe frappe.  (That's how I meditate medicate.) 

Shop selling magazines, newspapers, and books.

Tranquil blue casa.

How many chickens could a chicken chopper chop if a chicken chopper could chop chicken?  I peeked down the narrow passageway and snapped a photo this trip.

Got souvenirs?

Okay, I have to walk inside the candy store someday!

La Susanita

Hola Fidel!  Por Estoooo!

Hairy skirt.

Somebody buy this place and fix it up!  

Now appearing on the upper deck.

Cute Juarez casa.

Casa Luz Spa

Work trike.

  Tienda across from the Navy base.

The cool cart!

 Okay, Craig wouldn't do it, so someone had to!


  1. These photos are absolutely fantastic; so colorful and descriptive. You're making me quite anxious to hit the road after the holidays and can't wait for our trips to Roatan in Feb. and San Carlos in April!

  2. Roatan was originally on our list for this next year, but I keep getting feedback that I'll hate it because of the bugs (no see um's?). May have to rethink. We're grounded for awhile due to medical issues, but hopefully, we'll soon be back out on the trail. : )

  3. Juarez is my favorite, so much "life"! Love all the photos Becky, they take me there :).

  4. Thanks Jenny and Jan! Jan, wish we were headed down there in February too!
