Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Birds of a Feather and Capitan Dulce

When we're on Isla Mujeres, we try not to make plans.  That's our idea of a vacation, just doing what strikes us at the last moment.  We fly by the seat of our pants.

One afternoon towards the end of our trip, we decided to board the bus last minute and take a ride out to Capitan Dulce.  We waited about 15 minutes for the bus down at the stand by the ferry dock and headed south.  I will tell you that the driver charged us double for the ride, or maybe not if the price has gone up to 9 pesos apiece?  Oh well.  Must have been a tourist tax.

We rode all the way to the stop in Mundaca Circle in front of the Isla Palace, then walked the rest of the way to the beach club.

Walking down the driveway, Craig pointed out some beautiful birds in a little house over by the private pavilion.

Back in 2008, we stayed at the new Mar y Sol for a week. We wondered what was going on with the nautical antiques and huge dock being built at the large estate next door.  An island friend told us he thought it was going to be a museum, but it just seemed a bit far-fetched to me, so I continued to fantasize that a rock star with a penchant for nautical antiques was building his own nirvana.  I was wrong!

We decided to stop for a drink, then look around and take some photos -- like this guy's doing!

That's a long dock!

Beautiful kinetic wind sculpture!

Tranquil beach.

Craig and the property from the dock.

My thoughts on Capitan Dulce?  If a person's staying on the south end and looking for a beach where they can bask in the sun and order drinks, it looks like a good choice!  We did not order food, so I'm not sure about that.  The water in that area does have turtle grass (note the dark areas around the shoreline in the photo above), so it wouldn't be my choice for swimming.  If we're going to the beach, we prefer the peaceful sections of Playa Norte with deep shade from palms and nice clear water in front for swimming.  I think it's a beautiful place for people to stop on their golfcart tour of the island.

I know there's a museum at Capitan Dulce, but we missed it.  Craig later told me that it was in the opposite direction of the birds that I focused on.  Funny how something captures your attention and you miss the obvious! 

Huge clouds were gathering and we were on foot, so we decided to speed walk our way back to the colonias where we could catch a reasonably priced cab.  By the time we rounded the curve and were a block in, I felt drops.  I heard a little beep beep from a taxi (that means 'want a ride?') and we hopped in.  For a few pesos more than the bus driver charged us, we were quickly back in El Centro in time for our afternoon coffee.



  1. We went on our last trip on our golf cart tour--instead of Playa Lancheros or Tiberon. It was so relaxing! The food we had--just snacks-quesidillas, I think--was good.

  2. Just love reading your posts and keeping up with all things new on Isla. My boyfriend and I have reservations at Hotel Villa Rolandi on Valentine's Day 2013. Can't wait!!

    Gloria in Virginia

  3. Thanks everyone! Gloria, enjoy Villa Rolandi! Ann, I know your trip is coming up pretty quick too! Stillhowlyn, have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. We also like to fly by the seat of our pants! We happened up Capitan Dulce's and just like you we missed the museum. We did have a drink and some guacamole that was quite tasty. I made this little video while we were there. It's mostly of the dock and some pelicans.

