Friday, August 3, 2012

Isla Brain Teasers, Part One

My brain's fried today, so I thought I'd tease yours with a mini-scavenger hunt on Isla Mujeres!

This one's so easy!   Name of the business?

This flag's displayed on what Isla porch?

Where's this fish tank located?

I'd never noticed this guy until this last trip, but I bet you know where he stands! 

What restaurant's menu?  (This one's way too easy!)

I cut the quiz in half because who'd want to answer 10 questions!

And here's the gremlin update.  The electrician came yesterday and figured out our woes were a series of odd coincidences involving the A/C unit, and he was the wrong man for that repair.  The A/C repairman came this morning and if I got the explanation right (My mind tends to go straight to OMG, how much will this cost!), the A/C condenser and compressor were fried by a short that also tripped the other breakers.  

Fortunately, we have a home warranty or the repair would eat up our next trip to the island.  And the jest that I got is that the total repair will be covered under the warranty.  The bad news is that parts, of course, have to be ordered and the A/C unit won't be fixed until at least Tuesday of next week.   But I'm thankful for zoned A/C units so we can stay cool in one part of the house.

Now . . . any takers on the scavenger hunt?

Okay, time to end the teasing.  I didn't think these would be that hard, but I suppose I know where they are because I took the photos!

Number 1 --  The bar counters that face the street at Manana.
Number 2 -- The flag is on the wall of Hemingway's porch.
Number 3 -- The fish tank is located out front at Mocambo's.  I'm betting it turns into a lobster tank when it's the season?
Number 4 -- The carved men poles are on the upstairs deck at Jax.  I just noticed them this year.
Number 5 --  It's Vivian's menu at Qubano!


  1. I guess I'm not very observant because I only knew one place! I guess if I stop & pondered some of the clues maybe I'd come up with the answers!

  2. Next I'll post one asking readers for help on locating where I took the photos! Ha!

  3. Is Saby getting tired of generating electricity in her hamster wheel?

  4. We have to lock Saby in the master bedroom when repairmen come. Repairmen are finicky that way. Her hearing's so bad now, she doesn't seem to realize there's anyone in the house. She used to jump on the closed door -- now she naps. And we sold that giant hamster wheel to the neighbor kids. : )

    No guesses on the pop quiz? I'm shocked! Ha!

  5. I'm a newbie with only four trips under my belt, so the only one I know is the last one, Cubano. I know what country's flag that is, but no clue where it hangs.

  6. Nancy, you're right on Qubano! Craig thought he only knew that one, then started guessing and ended up 3 for 5.

  7. I came back to fix my spelling to Qubano :-) My hubby cant guess any of them either.

  8. I got them all!! I had to guess on Hemingway but I guessed right. Fun! You are just so imaginative. Helen
