Sunday, August 5, 2012

So Many Angels

The first time I saw a Mexican cemetery, I immediately started taking photos.  It shocked me because the display of bright colors was so unlike the normal drab grey and granite seen in most U.S. graveyards.  Most of the graves were decorated with flowers and other memorabilia, something I was used to seeing only on Memorial Day.  The photos below were taken on Father's Day on Isla Mujeres after many Islenos had placed fresh flowers on the graves.




  1. I was fascinated the 1st time I went into the cemetery, too. So different from our staid resting place here.

  2. love your blog follow you from linda's notes from paradise and rhonda's,in isla blog. hope A/C got fixed. know what you mean it is 106 degrees in garland texas. my A/C does not seem to shut off.
    islaholic also, Colby

  3. Ann, I love it but can't wander for too long. There's always an iguana or something that startles me and then I get the creepy feeling and head out.

    Thanks Colby! The A/C was finally fixed this morning. Fortunately, we have zoned A/C, so we were able to keep cool in the half of the house that runs on the other unit. The homeowner's warranty we purchased last year picked up the tab! Whew!

  4. The cemetery is beautiful and fascinating! Have you ever read reviews on Trip Advisor for Privilege Aluxes? Frequent comments along the lines of..."OMG, our room faced a CEMETERY!!!" then "spooky" or "scary" or "gross". Always cracks me up!

  5. Jan, a lot of P.A. reviews crack me up! For many reasons! LOL I just don't get the attraction to the place.

  6. Me too Becky! It sure is a whole different group than us old "Isla regulars". And 90% of those people book not having clue where they are going I think.

  7. They really just need to split off a P.A. subforum, but then we'd miss the laughs!
