Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Whiling Away the Afternoon

One of our favorite pastimes on Isla Mujeres is to sit and watch the island pass by from a table at Mogagua.   We sip frappes on hot afternoons and survey the street scene -- people entering the hardware store across the street, a malatero passing with a heavy load, Dr. Simi handing out pamphlets to locals on foot and passing taxis, tourists walking by licking ice cream cones, etc . . . .

It's a busy corner with a lot of pedestrians and bike and taxi traffic on Juarez.

And the Bimbo man making a delivery.

A Zen vibe dominates inside the cafe.  Buddha's on the counter and wisdom's on the walls.

I could use a little bit of harmony and Zen at my house today.  We have gremlins!  It started with a fickle garage door opener that works in the morning, but not in the evening.  No big deal.  Then yesterday we realized we had no electricity in two bedrooms.  My blog is now powered by an extension cord from one wing to the router and modem in the other.  We put in a call for service yesterday with an appointment for tomorrow morning.  That seemed fine until the episode escalated in the middle of the night to the A/C breakers kicking off.  Now we have only one A/C unit working on one side of the house, and I'm waiting for the next flip flop to fall.  Not a good thing in Phoenix!  An no, the electrician won't move the appointment to today.

Craig was marveling over the power outage in India yesterday.  We may have our own total blackout  before the repairman comes at his scheduled time tomorrow.  Breakers are tripping as I post.

Living through an Arizona summer with A/C is doable.  Without, not so much! I may spend tonight on a floatie in the pool. 



  1. Quick, place all your ice cubes in a cooler, so you can ration the mojitos all night. Might as well eat all the ice cream in the freezer too!

  2. So far, we still have A/C in the family room/kitchen/master. And here's something weird. Power evidently came back on in the back two bedrooms when the one A/C breaker tripped off. What the heck! Hopefully, the electrician tomorrow can figure it out.

  3. Your weather has been strange--heard about a hABOOB AND THEN THE OTHER DAY THEY SAID YOU WERE HAVING A MONSOON! hOPE ALL GETS FIXED QUICKLY! ( not retyping! Guess I hit the caps lock at some point)

  4. Ann, they call the summer storms here in the Southwest monsoons. The haboob (huge dust storm) is part of it, usually preceding the rain. The area just to the east of us and areas on the north end of the Phoenix area had major flooding in the last storm. The rain missed us that storm, but at least it dropped the temperatures into the 70's in the evening. A lot of times we just get the dirt, and that's no fun! cough cough cough
