Tuesday, June 5, 2012

On the Streets

My dream Isla transportation would be the retro pink Chevy golfcart.  When I win the lottery, I'll build my house on Isla and park one of these out front.  I'm not really a pink kind of gal, but this appeals to me!  I've never cared for Mary Kay makeup (if they even sell it anymore), but I might consider peddling the stuff if they gave these as sales prizes!

Craig just picked up a used Ferrari.  (Off the beach.)

I'm not sure what this VW Bug was advertising, but I heard the word 'marisco', so maybe a restaurant?

The morning moto lineup.

Cool red moto matches the red door.

Malatero trike on Juarez.

These used to be on the street!  In Cuba!

A taxi might be more comfortable, but a ride on a trike is another way to get there.

This buggy was parked downstairs this morning on Juarez.

And here's something else that runs on streets.  Tasha!  We were walking down the hill from the Navy base this morning on Juarez when Tasha, Craig's little vixen from December, came running by.

I greeted her by name and she turned around and ran back.  She was so happy to see us, but we didn't have a Fredy's porkchop bone with us.  After trying to hitch a ride on Tiffany's golfcart (with muffins in tow), she turned and ran towards the zocalo.  I guess she was in a hurry to be somewhere!  (In such a hurry that I couldn't get a decent photo of her.)

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