Monday, June 4, 2012

Isla Street Art

We wandered around El Centro yesterday since it really wasn't a great beach day.  I snapped some quick shots of the every changing art scene.

This poor little Isla mermaid, now missing everything but her torso and head, reclines on a Guerrero sofa.  By the way, did you know that Vincente Guerrero was one of the most prominent leaders in the Mexican War of Independence and the second President of Mexico?

I call this front patio around the corner from the Supermercado the Mermaid Lounge. It's an ever changing collage.

The shelf under the electrical meters even looks avant-garde.

The blank side of the building facing the vacant lot next to the Supermercado has been painted with murals since my last trip in December.  I wonder if the artist is the same one who painted the vacant walls of the Perla Caribe?  I totally agree with the message.  Enjoy your life now!  Carpe diem!

The other two murals on the same wall.

I tried to get Craig to stand next to this one with the same expression on his face, but he's just no fun!

Once again, the day dawned with overcast and light rain.  Yesterday the skies finally cleared in the afternoon.  Could this be June gloom?  Oh well.  I'm content to relax to the sound of the waves!

1 comment:

  1. Yes,,that is "Spear" ...the talented young man from Belgium who completed his architect degree, then set off around the world painting murals. Corentin Binard. Check out his work at I read that some of them are faces of his friends...and that he is inspired my music, which he listen/moves to as he paints
