Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Aim Higher

Instead of wishing for a retro pink Chevy golfcart, maybe I should aim higher!  Perhaps one of these?

  And speaking of boats, I snapped a lot of photos on this morning's walk.

At first I thought the Lety had become a floating planter!

And yes, I know, this last one isn't a boat, but it's on a dock.  How have I missed this for so many years?

Wonder what kind of snacks Dallas serves?  


  1. Wonderful shots as usual! Hope the weather is improving!

  2. Ann, we went to Playa Norte late this morning and it was beautiful. There's kind of a marine layer that burns off by mid-morning. It's very windy and the water's choppy, but I've heard that's supposed to improve tomorrow. I'm hoping for a late afternoon downpour to clear out the air!

  3. Am loving your posts as usual. Thanks!


  4. Love all those boats...
    charming & quirky
    they capture Isla perfectly... k

  5. I just love all the boat photos. I have never seen that snack bar or a picture of it before either.
