Sunday, June 3, 2012

We're Back!


We're back!  As always, stress floats away the minute we're on that ferry!  No worries!  Here's a few photos from our first evening on Isla Mujeres.

Frigate crosses the full moon at sunset.

The Ultramar and car ferry passing at sunset.

Sun dropping into the bay.

After dinner at Qubano on Hidalgo last night, we headed to Medina and walked along the bay.

And ended up at the zocalo.

The food vendors were out in full force.  We were tempted by the pies, cakes, and marquesitas, but decided we were too full after Vivian's wonderful food!  Maybe tonight?

 Sunday dawned cloudy, but I'm hoping the skies will open to reveal some blue later today!


  1. Thanks for these really recent pics of Isla...great to have that retrospective, & nice to have the current view... all good! :)
    my husband is there for a few more days.... -k

  2. Thanks for these really recent pics of Isla...great to have that retrospective, & nice to have the current view... all good! :)
    my husband is there for a few more days.... -k

  3. Hope we get some good beach days! It cleared later this afternoon. It's a really new perspective for us staying closer to town again!
