Monday, June 11, 2012

I Love a Parade!

This trip we're staying at Caribbean Casa on Juarez.  The house has some of the most outstanding sunrise and sunset views on the island.  (More about that in another post!)  In addition, it's on the parade route!  Processions leading into town often pass down Juarez.

Late Thursday afternoon, I fell asleep on the sofa reading my Nook.  I kept hearing a familiar sound, but couldn't figure out what it was.  Suddenly I realized it was the rumble of horse hooves on the cobblestone street out front.  I got to the front door in time to photograph the end of the rodeo parade on its way into El Centro.  A friend staying farther south on the island described the parade as a bunch of people on horseback, Jesus in the back of a truck, and a golfcart with queens. (That would be rodeo queens.)

I missed everything but the cowboys and cowgirls on horseback.


Late Sunday afternoon, I heard a loudspeaker playing a catchy tune along with a siren and horns honking.  I ran to the balcony once again in time to see what was happening. 

A political parade!  Just like in the U.S., 2012 is a Presidential election year in Mexico.

Juarez was a sea of golfcarts, motos, walkers, and white balloons.

And just as I was writing this post (Sunday night around 10:30 p.m.), I once again heard loud sirens and music.  I ran to the top deck and saw a large procession headed south from El Centro on Medina.  Now I'm waiting to see if the parade will come back to town down Juarez. 

It's a lot of excitement for a girl from the burbs.  Nothing like this ever happens in my neighborhood at home!

By the way, here's a glimpse of Sunday's sunset from the top deck!


  1. Were there no little people in this year's rodeo?

  2. I would have thought it was zebras. LOL

  3. drgeo, no little people. Some people I met at Playa Norte today said there was a bullfight last night, but normal sized bulls and matadors. Jeanie, no zebras. I think the circus was earlier in the year. LOL

  4. Well, we just go at the wrong time of year! We stay up the street a bit in the winter and Juarez is pretty darn tame, LOL! No horses for sure :).
