Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The View!

Remember I mentioned the fantastic sunrise views here at Casa Caribbean?  The first week of our trip was highly humid with a marine layer blocking the sunrises most mornings, but the second week sunrises have been amazing.  Here are a few shots from early this morning!

And a few other views from the top deck out over the bay!

Manchiones in the morning light.

View from the hammock.

I ran out of the shower one day to get my camera.  This is the view of the car ferry taken from the third floor shower at Caribbean Casa!

Frigates putting on their afternoon show!  They love drifting on the air currents above Caribbean Casa.

Early evening view over the Navy base.

Last light.  Look at that fading orb!


  1. Beautiful shots--love that you can get pictures on either side of the island!

  2. Gorgeous! I want to stay there so badly!


  3. The photo of the many frigates looks kinda like the shot of the parrots being released that is shown on the ferry...in a promo for a park (Xel Ha?). Lovin you pics, as usual. The bright, high contrast light of Isla lends itself well to Hi def...those are cool!
