Saturday, June 9, 2012

Some Saturday Charm

I love Isla Mujeres because it's quaint!  There's a charm about it I don't see in suburbia where everything is new.

The marquesita man must live on Juarez across from the Navy base.

 This litle dog loves to watch the street!

 The window at La Luz spa was open yesterday with the frilly curtains billowing out.

 Love this old wooden door!

This El Centro house has a new green paint job with new print curtains peeking through the diamond shaped holes in the shutters.

Gate across from the Navy base.  It's been yellow and pink for years, with glimpses of the blue Caribe through the glass.

 Hemingway's has a new floral curtain.  Kind of frilly for a cantina!

 The casa next door has a wash machine on the street that always seems to be in use.

Even the teddy bear gets scrubbed!  I missed the all time best clothesline photo on Juarez a few days ago.  The candy store across the street from the grade school on Juarez had a clothesline pinned with Cabbage Patch style dolls.  It was the one time I was without camera!

Love how the pastel colors flow from one casa to the next.

Old wooden door on the zocalo.  I recently saw an old photo of the area close to the square and this dwelling was one of the few I recognized as still standing.

 This house sits at the southern end of Juarez.  Love the paint and door!

 Another Juarez door.  Notice the old blue and cream floor tiles.

Looks like it's going to be a beautiful sunny Saturday!  Off to breakfast and the beach!


  1. Love these! We too took a lot of pictures of the Isla's being! Will post later. Thanks for the smiles!

  2. Thanks Jackie and Janelle! Jackie, I noticed we see a lot of the same things when we take photos! : )
