Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reflections on Ambergris Caye

With this post title, I bet you're expecting deep thoughts from Beck about Ambergris Caye.  Sorry, no time to reflect!  We're off on a hike today, so I'll just post a few reflective photos!

I'm slipping one in that wasn't taken on Ambergris Caye.  I bet you can easily guess which one!


  1. Image #2 is the odd one out. Ducks are not that common on the caye.

  2. You're right Allan! Not to mention the muddy brown water. There's a wildlife refuge park across the road from our neighborhood where we walk and ride bikes. Lots of birds!

  3. good thing I saw the answer--I was going to say #3, since I thought you were tricking us w/an Isla photo, which it could've been (palapa, boat, some development, cliff? in backgrnd (& I've never seen ducks here...)
    Never thought it would be an AZ pic!

  4. Kris, that photo does look a little like the bayside out by Garrafon with all those palapa docks!

  5. So I posted an earlier comment you made about GS cookies on my FB (crediting it to you) and my niece came back with this.
    Beaches are like Girl Scout cookie Somoas. Once you get a taste you always want Somoa!

    I can't eat either one of them or BOTH boxes will be gone. Same with Isla - just never enough beach. Love it more than GS cookies!
