Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Polly Wanna Breakfast Burrito?

One of our favorite places for breakfast in San Pedro was Estel's Kitchen.  One day on the way into the restaurant, I noticed this parrot on a branch right next to Estel's entrance.  Only in the tropics!

Estel's is located right on the beach just south of the town park in San Pedro and serves delicious food until 5:00 p.m.

Diners can choose from tables on the beach or tables on the covered front porch.  Either way, your toes are in the sand.  I found out the hard way that sand can be problematic.  One Sunday while we were waiting on our food, a little boy in a standoff with his mother picked me as the target for a handful of sand.  Right in the face!  After I got over the shock and the mother finally dragged the kid out of the restaurant, Craig pointed out that we could thank our lucky stars that the food hadn't arrived yet!  Otherwise our breakfast burritos would have been a little gritty!  I guess every moment has its silver lining.  (And I'm just glad my son never pulled that one!)

The menu's quite extensive!  And the prices are reasonable.  For example, the huge breakfast burrito is $15 Belizean, which translates to $7.50 U.S.  The exchange rate is set at 2 Belizean to 1 U.S. dollar.  If you're headed to Ambergris, don't worry about getting Belizean dollars.  Everyone readily accepts U.S. dollars.  We started out with a supply of U.S., then used the ATM for Belizean dollars.   I left with one $2 Belizean bill as a souvenir.

Our favorite was the huge breakfast burrito, along with a bowl of fruit. 

After you eat, check out the artifacts up by the menu board!  Or head out onto the beach for some shopping.  The vendors set up tables under the palms out front.


Wish I had one of  Estel's breakfast burritos this morning!


  1. Only you could get in a breakfast bar fight in Belize! I'm glad Craig was there to watch your back.

  2. Think I would have headed straight for the key lime pie--one of my favorites! What is fruit filled Jack?

  3. drgeo, I managed to maintain my semi-calm. The mother was yelling at the granny not to whack the kid. I get that because beating on an aggressive child just makes the problem worse. The mother then stood at my side forever yelling at the boy to apologize, and he was having none of that. In fact, the other hand was loaded with another fistful, so I just wanted her to move on so I could finish getting the sand off my face and hair. Where's the Supernanny when you need her!

    Ann, fry jacks are fried pieces of bread dough. It seems to be a Belizean national staple. I actually left it on the plate when it came with breakfast, but it'd probably be pretty good with fruit inside. Johnny cakes seem to be the Belizean substitute for the English muffin. We had Johnny cake breakfast sandwiches several times and they were pretty good!

  4. Remember when Tarzan had that big bird - I think it was a parrot but its been so long I can't remember. I do remember he would bring it with him at breakfast at the restaurant where Manana now resides - can't believe I can't remember the name. Analise's place. It was a big bird.
