Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our Home in San Pedro

Now that post title's a little misleading.  I wish I had a home in San Pedro!  To rephrase, we spent the first week of our trip to Ambergris Caye at a beautiful boutique hotel, Caye Casa, located on the beach road that leads north along the water from San Pedro Town.  For anyone looking for some quiet luxury within walking distance of town, I'd highly recommend it!  Click on the Caye Casa link above for photos and more info.

I can't say enough good things about Caye Casa.  The rooms were perfectly maintained, the views were striking, the atmosphere was extremely friendly, and the service from staff was impeccable.

 The view from the second floor.

Most mornings, I'd wander downstairs and out to the beach to photograph sunrise.  What a tranquil scene!

Reef, a friendly canine member of the Caye Casa staff, surveys her domain.  She's such a sweetheart, but definitely keeps an eye on the place and watches out for her buddy Caulker.

During our stay, the staff would move our loungers across the sand road to our favorite beachfront location under the deep shade of the palms where we'd read, nap, and occasionally stroll to the end of the dock.  The water at the end of the dock is very shallow, so you can go down the ladder there and wade out a little to snorkel and swim.  The hotel has placed a marker in the water out from shore to mark the end of the safe area and instructs guests not to swim beyond that point to avoid being hit by boats.

The water here was warm!  In February!  One afternoon, a man from a small hotel next door who'd been over-served ran out to the end of the dock and dove in.  My eyes popped out of my head wondering if he'd broken his neck.  Fortunately, his arms must have hit first and the sand and alcohol cushioned the blow.  Once he emerged unscathed, all his dock companions had a good laugh.

Lounging waterside here was very peaceful.  Most vendors on Ambergris set up their wares at various locations and let buyers come to them, so a person can relax for hours uninterrupted.

Later in the afternoon, I'd turn my beach lounger around to see the local kids pass on their way home from school.  It was one of the best spots in town for a people watcher like me!   That area of San Pedro is a mixture of residential, small hotels, and condos on a sand street, so the neighborhood is very quiet with very little traffic.  The afternoon kid parade is about the only rush hour on Beach Road.

Caulker after a roll on the beach.  He's a sweetheart and lives the good life at Caye Casa with his best friend Reef!

Captain Boxter's sailboat Bien Amigo.  Below he's coming back into the dock after a snorkel outing with Caye Casa guests.

Caye Casa rates up there as one of the most relaxing places we've stayed!  If you're headed to Ambergris Caye, I'd highly recommend it!  It's a winner!


  1. Thanks for the info. Never know when the spirit will move us to go to Belize again!

  2. The place we stayed the second week, which I'll also do a post on, was just as great!
