Thursday, March 1, 2012

Monkey in Da Boat!

Part of the trip to Lamanai ruins last week was the 25 mile boat ride upriver.  The guides frequently stopped the boat to point out various birds, manatees, crocodiles, iguanas, plants, humans, etc....

At one point, the boat pulled up under a tree and the guide's warning went something like this.

Okay, we gon pull up under da tree and da monkeys might jump on da boat.  If da monkeys jump on da boat, don scream.  If dese monkeys hear screams, they might -- how you say it? -- get like tense, and if dey get -- uhhh tense -- dey might bite!

Fortunately, no one screamed, and the monkeys didn't bite!

There are actually two different monkeys in the video.  The first one, the male, jumped down into the boat and left fairly quickly. Dennis (the Menace?) split right after the guide gave him a few chunks of banana. (He probably had a new flatscreen up in the tree.) The second monkey, the female, dropped in later.  She's the one strutting up and down posing.  She, of course, hung around longer and was more hospitable.  : o )


  1. Cool!! I love when she puts her hand on that man's knee! Such a flirt! "Hey Sailor...want a little fun time?"

  2. Cute! That's quite a lens on the Canon camera--hope he had another for just regular shots!

  3. Love that!! Wish I was there with you guys.

  4. I love the way the guide says 'Hi Den-nis' when the male jumps onto the boat. LOL The monkeys were fun. Glad they didn't have any crocs lined up to board the boat.

    Ann, the guy was there to photograph a rare bird on the river. Serious guy!

  5. Love the way her tail just flips over somebody's leg. One of our cats does that--her tail just curls around you. Maybe she's part monkey.
