Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two Breakfast Burritos Por Favor!

I woke up hungry at 7:30 a.m. this morning disoriented wondering where the hell I was!

My first thought?  Let's throw on some clothes and pedal down the bike path for breakfast.  Two breakfast burritos and a side of fruit!

That was our early morning routine for the past week.  So simple!  Just slip on some shorts and a tank, hop on the bike,  and ride down the beach to AkBol.

Then I realized I was home.  My stomach's still growling!  Where's my breakfast burrito?

Here's the view from the breakfast bar yesterday morning.


  1. Guess you'll just have to get all the ingredients & make them at home ( I know it won't be the same, though!) I discovered Jamaica drink (Don't think it's considered a soda) & now have been haunting all the stores around that sell Mexican stuff! Will be broadening my search to other towns soon!

  2. Ann, is that the flowery flavor? I imagine it would be fairly easy to get it here in our area.

  3. what great posts from your journey! i am also planning a vacation next year to ambergris, any recommendations for lodging? cant wait for more posts!

  4. We stayed at two different small properties north of town -- Caye Casa and Cocotal Inn. Caye Casa's a small boutique hotel just north and within walking distance of town. Cocotal's about 2 1/2 miles north of the bridge and provides free bikes and kayaks. If you like staying at smaller places (as opposed to big resorts), I'd recommend both! I'll post photos of them sometime soon. I think it all depends on what you prefer -- smaller or larger resort and in town or out. Ambergris has lots of nice places to stay!

  5. Welcome home! Heard there's nice, warm weather in Az. Fun reading about a new destination!

  6. Welcome home! Heard there's nice, warm weather in Az. Fun reading about a new destination!

  7. Janet, it's great to come home to nice weather. March, April, and May are the best months of the year. A friend asked us if we had our next trip planned and we said yes. Arizona!

  8. Glad you made it back safe & sound-- look forward to your reflections.
    Jamaica is made of hibiscus flowers. There is a koolaid powder sold at Walmart but it contains lots of sugar. So we like to make Republic of Tea's hibiscus as iced tea.

  9. Yes, it is the hibiscus flavor. I'm sure I'll find it in Waterbury or Hartford. drgeo--thanks for the tip about the tea!

  10. There's a Jamaica flavor of B Light that I used to see on Isla (those have artificial sweeteners). Thanks drgeo! We're all getting caught up on chores and sleep now. Saby's taking her 8 a.m. nap. :)
