Friday, March 2, 2012

Caye Caulker Colors

One of the places we thought about staying in Belize was Caye Caulker.  In the end, I simplified our trip and planted us on Ambergris Caye for the entire two weeks.  Since Caulker's an easy 30 minute water taxi ride from the docks in San Pedro, we sped across the water one day for lunch and a walkabout.  I thought I'd share some more of the gorgeous colors of the island with you!

Banos at the Lazy Lizard.

Colorful signage.

Fruit and veggie stand.

Bar at the Lazy Lizard.

Boat going through the cut.

One of Caye Caulker's small hotels on the front street.

Below's a quick little clip of the water taxi ride between San Pedro and Caye Caulker.  I'm including it to give an example of the water taxis that ply the sea between Belize City and the Cayes.  A half hour trip to Caye Caulker was easy, but I'm not sure I'd want to take a 90 minute ride in one before or after a long day of air travel.  We crossed by boat from Ambergris to Belize City on the long day trip to Lamanai ruins and it was a bone jarring ride in choppy water.


  1. So Caulker vs Ambergris, would you do it the same way next time?

  2. After going over there for the day, we said if we ever stayed there, it would only be for a couple of nights. It had a backpacker/Rasta ambiance and we felt a little out of place. We did have a great lunch at a restaurant on the water, and spent an hour or so walking down to the Cut and from one side of the island to the other (it's only a few blocks wide). If I would have booked there for a week, I would have gone crazy, and that's coming from a woman who stays on an island that's 5 miles long in Mexico and never gets bored. It's easy to get away from it all on North Ambergris, and there you still have the option of going into San Pedro for entertainment.

  3. drgeo, if you're going to split a stay, the better option would be to stay inland and do the tours, then go to Ambergris for the island/beach part of the vacation.
