Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Packing!  We leave this afternoon on a puddle jumper flight to Belize City, then fly home to Phoenix.  Hopefully, we'll be in our own beds by early Wednesday morning! It's been a wonderful trip, but as always, we're ready for a Saby reunion.

Yesterday afternoon, we boarded the Coastal Express water taxi into San Pedro and met a friend from Isla Mujeres message boards for dinner.  I guess you'd call it a Vine meeting on the wrong island!  But what a wonderful coincidence finally putting a face to someone I've talked to for years online!  Great meeting you Mark!

Posting is more difficult from here since I don't have WiFi in the room, so I'll leave you with a few sunrise photos from yesterday morning and start filling you in on trip details when we're back in Phoenix.


  1. Hope you have a painless trip home, Becky. Glad you met Mark!

  2. So beautiful, i want to go back.

  3. Enjoying your photos and comments about Belize. We have been going to Isla Mujeres since the mid 90's and I am ready to try some place new. Looking forward to hearing the pros and cons of both places from you.

  4. We're home drgeo! The trip home is always longer than getting there! Belize was a great new adventure. I'll be posting a lot more info. Doogan, good to hear from you and hope you're doing well. Vee, we had a great time meeting Mark! Connie, Ambergris was beautiful and very relaxing. We enjoyed the different cultural vibe. Loved it, but the beach was not as nice as Playa Norte! We'll definitely be back to Isla again sometime soon.
