Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lamanai Daytrip

First of all, just let me say that being sick on vacation sucks!   We've had very few well days when one of us wasn't ailing, and it seems to be the same sinus infection we're passing back and forth. Craig's headed into town this morning for two rounds of Z-packs.  One for me, one for him.  And maybe he'll even score an inhaler for me.

Despite it all, we knew that yesterday, if we wanted to leave the island to see more of Belize, we needed to bite the bullet and just go for it.   So off we went on a jungle river trip to see the Lamanai ruins.  Long day!  Emphasis on LONG!  We boarded the boat at 6:45 a.m. from the dock out front.  After about an hour and a half on the water, we entered mainland Belize up a river to a dock where we boarded vans for an hour to another boat, where we headed 25 miles upstream to Lamanai ruins.  Then after touring the ruins, we were back on the boat down the river to the vans, and back to a different boat heading back to Ambergris Caye.

I'll admit to absolutely dragging my rear most of the way, so I'll have to provide the details of the trip in another post.  Craig had more energy than me, so he climbed the big one and conquered while I sat in the shade at the bottom overheated taking photos.

After a cold shower last night, I collapsed in bed while Craig foraged for food.  (He walked down the beach path for takeout.)

Here are a few postcards from the trip!

Crossing to Belize City.

Our crew loading the boat for the river trip.

So glad this boat wasn't our Destiny!

Water lilies on the river.

Oh yes she did!  This spider monkey hopped from the trees onto the boat!

Been there.  Done that.  Got the picture!

That's Craig up there -- the man in the yellow shirt.

Posing with his friend. 

 Too big of a climb for me on a hot humid afternoon in the jungle, but Craig conquered!

 Cruising past the docks in San Pedro on our way home.

I'm now on my second round of antibiotics, so hopefully, this one will do the trick!  Sad to say, we've spent more on antibiotics than we have on drinks this trip!  Some of my friends now think I'm allergic to the tropics!  Hope not!


  1. If Craig were not sick he would surely have carried you piggyback to the top of the pyramid!

  2. Looks like a good way to get some exercise on a 'warm, humid' afternoon. If you have time & are so inclined you might want to look into possibly going to Xunantunich. It's on the Western part of Belize but is really impressive (not as large area-wise as CI but still worth the trip IMHO) as well as having a great museum dedicated to the site.

  3. I agree about Zunantunich, but if you're not feeling up to par, the bus trip there would kill you! It's on the western border of Belize. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. We fly out tomorrow, so that will have to wait for another trip! And Ann, from the looks of those buses, I think it would kill me! HA!

  5. Sounds like a good reason (as if you need one) to return. Thanks for all the great reports/pics. Makes me want to return to Belize again. Hope your feeling better. Safe home.

  6. WOW!!! Cool ruin! LOVED the monkey "dropping in" on you!!! LOL

