Monday, January 2, 2012

Beachin' It on Playa Norte

With sunny days and highs in the 70's right now, Arizona's almost perfect!   Well . . . perfect except for the fact that's there's no ocean and no beach!  So maybe if I sit on the patio and put on some of my favorite palapa bar music, I can just shut my eyes and dream it.

This was my favorite spot on Playa Norte.  Shady palms and a log to lean back on!

Tarzan rents the umbrellas and chairs for 40 pesos each.

Lots of pretty yellow and blue boats to rent.


Massage anyone?

This little beachcomber likes to sniff sleeping humans.  It's fun to watch the reactions.  Some people aren't amused.

Notice how the woman in close is up to her chest and the people farther out are barely ankle deep?  There's a nice shallow shelf for wading out there.

This guy likes beach picnics.  He managed to scatter a group of newbies in front of Maria del Mar.  I didn't linger long enough to see if he ate their potato chips.

Playa Norte seems to be in building sand mode.  I remember a few years ago when these palms were almost submerged.

Notice how everything seems to coordinate at the beach with pretty blues and yellows!

 The Seahawk Dive boat down by the Avalon bridge.

 The NaBalam beach continues to add more sand.


When the wind was ferocious down by Ixchel, I strolled down to the Avalon Cove and planted my beach chair.  The water was very calm there!  Here's the view from the bridge.

Wish that whole shutting the eyes thing and dreaming the beach was working!  (But it's not.)


  1. Excellent images as usual! Hope you have a great 2012!

  2. Thanks for sharing....can't wait to be on that strip of beach myself, but this sure helps!
    When do you leave for Belize?

  3. Thanks A.J.! Ann, we leave in mid-February. Right now the weather in Phoenix is what people from elsewhere assume it should be. Hope it lasts!

  4. If you live close to a freeway, you can pretend the traffic noise is the sound of the ocean. At least that's what I tell Cindy. For some reason, she doesn't buy it.

  5. Kay, LOL! One time on the company trip from hell in Cabo San Lucas, the owners put us at a cheap hotel in the downtown area. I kept thinking I was hearing the sound of the ocean all night long, but knew we were too far away. The next morning, we found out they'd torn down the building across the street during the night. It was the sound of rubble collapsing.
