Saturday, December 31, 2011

Just Feel Lucky

There will be no list of New Year's resolutions for 2012!  Mine are always the same.  I usually struggle to keep them for the month of January, then fall off the wagon and roll down the hill. So instead of focusing on a list of tasks to be accomplished in 2012, maybe I should just focus on the many things in my life I'm content with right now. 

I feel lucky!    Like Mary Chapin Carpenter (click on the link!), we're feeling pretty lucky this year.  2011 was a good year for us in the health and fun departments.  I won't bore anyone with a list, but let's face it, compared to the rest of the world, most of us here in the United States have a pretty cushy life.  Sometimes on our travels, I realize that shoes, heat, clean tap water, clothes, food -- all the basics we take for granted here in the U.S. -- are items other people in the world struggle for daily.

So my little resolution for 2012 is to turn off the cable networks (life will go on despite whatever happens in the financial markets or 2012 elections) and feel lucky for the little things in life!

Sunrise . . .

Sunset . . . 

 It's all good!  Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2012!


  1. Beautiful post Beck, thank you. Happy New Year my dear friend.

  2. Very nice--I agree about the cable channels--Alan has on MSNBC or one of the financial channels on when he's home & moans & groans alot!

  3. Happy New Year to you and Craig. May your year be blessed. Hopefully we will run into each other on the island...maybe June?!

  4. Wow--ditto on the important things in life. Love the sunrise/sunset--
    Happy New Year! -kris
