Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Medina Walk

We spent a lot of time along Medina this trip.  When Craig was scuba diving, I'd sit in my chair  under the palms along the malecon waiting for him to return.  When Playa Norte was too windy, we'd lounge on the beach across from Posada del Mar waiting for the sunset.  And when we needed a cab home, we'd walk down Medina to catch one to the colonias.   Along the way, I snapped a lot of photos.

Orange juice stand in front of the ferry dock.

A side view of Minino's.

A pile of fishing nets.

Alongside Minino's, a vendor with Guatemalan wares has set up shop.  The young guy who works the shop is very polite and reasonable.  I also love the way the mural blends with the merchandise!

A boat hanging over the malecon wall.

Eagerly awaiting her treat!

The fish arches.

Massage outpost down by Privilege Aluxes.

 Fish camp at sunset.


Beach pangas.

Sunset from Medina.

What can I say.  It's here to stay.  The ugly naked lamp.  All it lacks is a pair of fish net stockings.  (It reminds me of the dad's major award lamp in The Christmas Story.)


  1. Wow - excellent photos. I especially like the header image. When you are in San Pedro check out the Gallery of San Pedro - they now have some of my images on canvas.

    I now have to return to the reality of the cold north but am returning in March to explore the southern parts of Belize.

  2. Perhaps we could each get Hortensia to make an outfit for the ugly naked lamp? Perhaps a Carmen Miranda costume!

  3. HOLY SHIT! These pictures are AWESOME. Awesome. Do you mind if I add you to my blog list? I LOVE finding new blogs.

  4. Thanks AJ! I'm sorry we'll miss you in February. Can't wait to see Belize!

    drgeo, that's an excellent idea! Actually they did that with a couple of nudes in the Seattle area and it was pretty amusing!

    Rebecca, please do! I think I already added you in my quest to learn more about Ambergris Caye!

  5. Drgeo--what a great idea! Becky, beautiful as always--esp. love the sunset one!

  6. Becky, Really, really lovely photos. Your pictures are always so wonderful. You really capture the essence of the island. Beautiful, thank you.
