Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feliz Navidad!

While I'm waiting to baste my ham once again with Meyer's Dark Rum, I thought I'd post a couple of videos from earlier this month on Isla.   Early December was hopping with action on the streets and in the zocalo.  Processions walked through the streets accompanied by bands or mariachis, locals danced in the square in traditional costumes, the church held first communions for girls and boys, and kids patrolled Hidalgo carrying decorated trees looking for friendly faces to sing La Rama.

Merry Christmas and happy travels in 2012!


  1. What a good idea to baste the ham with rum in a gas oven. That way the resulting fireball can cook the ham in mere seconds. And you can always pencil in some new eyebrows. If one used Capt Morgan rum and some Coco Lopez coconut, would the ham taste like a piña colada?

  2. drgeo, ha! One time a friend of mine did manage to cause a fireball with my rum ham recipe! I'm guessing the temp in that electric oven was way too high!

  3. So you think marinating the ham in rum while in the oven is a good plan? How about the Coco Lopez idea? Look forward to seeing you on Rachel Ray.

  4. Honey, everyone gets marinated in the rum while the ham's cooking!!!
