Monday, December 26, 2011

Cemetery Walk

Sometimes I take living in Arizona for granted, but yesterday on Christmas Day while I was basking in the warm sun on a park bench watching hummingbirds hit the geraniums and petunias in the flower planters, I remembered family and friends were probably shivering in cold and snow back home in the Midwest.  As a good friend used to always say when we'd get together for holiday dinners on the patio -- And THIS is why we live here!  (The friend has since burned out on the summer heat and moved back to colder climes.)

Craig left at 5:00 a.m. to drop Michael at the airport.  He's headed out for 9 glorious days of fun, sun, and ocean with friends in Hawaii.  I would have been insanely jealous if the weather here wasn't warm and sunny right now!

While we were on Isla in December, I wandered into the cemetery one Sunday afternoon.  Craig refuses to accompany me because he thinks I'm disturbing the dead.  This time my mission was to photograph Mundaca's grave, but every time I start poking around the wall at the front of the cemetery, I get spooked.  This time an iguana came down off the wall at me and scared me out of there!  Actually, it also started raining, but I did manage to snap some pre-sprinkle photos.

Here's a little bit of music for the walk.


  1. I love walking in the cemetery! The families put so much time & effort into creating these tributes to their loved ones--here in the states a headstone is put up & then for many that is the last visit they make.

  2. Кладбище заставляет задуматься о конечности жизни каждого из нас, ведь это последний наш приют на Земле.

  3. Google Translate:
    The cemetery makes you wonder about the finiteness of our lives, it's our last refuge on earth.

    Gosh, where is Zina when you need her?

  4. Thank you drgeo! I'm glad I didn't delete it! And thank you Nikolai! Ann, I vastly prefer Mexican cemeteries to the ones at home. There's something much more personal.

  5. Yeah, Ann, there's something quite... lively about a cemetery. It's a fascinating place, filled with the final memories of those who have been laid in their final resting place. You can spend a lot of time exploring the place and discover an interesting point or two... like the attention that some families place on graves of their loved ones. Even the neglected ones can give a person some time to ponder...
