Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Fredy Time!

I've heard about Fredy's baked shrimp on message boards for years, but somehow I'd never tried it!

This trip, we met our favorite Canadians one Sunday night at Fredy's, and I ordered the baked shrimp.  OMG!  Everyone else at the table insisted on Fredy's signature pork chop, but they were all clamoring for samples of the baked shrimp.  Unfortunately, we were having so much fun, I forgot to take any photos of food that evening, but everyone's food was fantastic!

Shortly after the food was consumed, our favorite mariachi showed up to serenade us.  Then our friend Gail dropped by and ordered the taquitos.  In the midst of all that fun, Craig's girlfriend from the beach came running down the street.  The more the merrier!

Now this little beach has a fat lot of nerve!  First she's making out with Craig on Playa Norte earlier in the day (see the evidence below), then she shows up at dinner uninvited? 

She's a fickle-hearted little thing.  Shortly after Craig gave up his pork chop bone, she took off down Hidalgo on a dead run.  We caught her later in the evening dining on steak with another man at the Argentina Grill.

Craig and I returned to Fredy's twice after that night because I could not get that baked shrimp out of my mind!  The second trip, Craig ordered the Mexican sampler and it was also fantastic!

And here's the photo of the baked shrimp I ordered three times this trip!  It's a wondrous concoction baked in a buttery broth with spinach and cheese on the top.  YUM!  How I wish I had Fredy's recipe!

Fredy's is located toward the north end of Hidalgo directly across from the newly opened Lola Valentina's.  If you haven't tried that baked shrimp or pork chop, stop by Fredy's! I know it'll be one of our first stops next trip!


  1. All I've ever had there is the pork chop! Our last night in June we all (17 people) went there for dinner--it was great!

  2. I've never had his baked shrimp, but am definately ordering this the next trip down! Looks deeelicious!

  3. I'll try again to leave a comment! Great meeting you and thanks for reviewing Fredy- he is often overlooked due to his location at the quiet end of Hidalgo...all his food is WONDERFUL!

  4. Ann and Janet, definitely try the baked shrimp! Sandia, glad you could comment. Love Fredy! He has a loyal following, but wish more people would discover his great food!

  5. One of our favourite places to eat on Isla - Fredy's!! We were there on Thursday night with family - John, Ethan and Evan. Food was delicious as always. Fun to chat with Ana and Fredy. Sorry we missed you! Cheers Lynda and Lawrie

  6. I also love that baked shrimp - and Fredy!
