Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Medina at Sunset

It's become my custom if I'm headed into town to eat dinner to go before sunset and have the taxi drop me along Medina. That way I can walk the street and watch the sunset.

The K-Mart Blue Light Special is still open for business at sunset!

Blue boat.

The docks at dusk.

Reflection of the setting sun in Bally Hoo's windows.

Kind of a strange ring around the sun tonight!

Ahhhhh. One of my favorite sunset photos from this trip.

I can tell it's a Sunday night. Do you know why? (Lots of locals are gathered to relax and watch the sunset.)

Playa del Sol's dock at last light.


  1. More pretty pictures - thanks, Beck! Enjoy your next journey.

  2. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing--I can't wait to get back!

  3. Thanks Ann and Vee! Didn't even get my bags fully unpacked and now I'm packing again. Looking forward to a nice weekend with a good friend!

  4. Your first pic of jewelry on the wall across from Posada del Mar? That is the stand of Pedro's [from MJ's] wife Norma....I LOVE getting her stuff! If you don't see something you like, tell her the color you want and she'll have it for you within a few days! I have earrings of just about every color under the sun [sol]!
