Monday, July 19, 2010

It's a Miracle!

Milagro's Pizza! Seriously! Number one -- it's a miracle they have pizza that GOOD on Isla! Number two -- I'm so glad I experienced the miracle before I left. I almost let this one get away!

Milagro's had been part of our plans early on, but we just let time get away from us. And then Craig decided he didn't want to eat pizza his last few meals on the island. Too much other good food was his mantra. He could have pizza at Oregano's here in Phoenix. Well -- he missed his chance, but I finally got there just before I left!

The friendly little pizza chef beckons you in!

I didn't get a photo, but Milagro's has a wonderful breezy deck up top where you can get nice views and catch some air!

One of the pizzas on display in the case! This one looks pretty amazing!

They bring garlic rolls out before the meal. Yum!

And here's the main show! OMG! The pizza with everything! Hands down one of the best pizzas I've tasted! It ranks right up there with Oregano's here in Phoenix.

This is making me SO hungry just looking at this piece! People at the table behind us had ordered pasta and meatballs and it looked just as good! Next trip to Isla, pizza will definitely be on Craig's menu!

Now I'm not only dreaming of seaglass hunts in my sleep, I'm craving when I can get another one of those Milagro pizzas with everything!


  1. Looks yummy! I'm finally thinking about starting my countdown ( 6 more months!) and that will be on my food list!

  2. It's really great, and those garlic rolls are wonderful too.

  3. Ann, I'm thinking about another countdown if I can find decent airfares. Sue, sorry we missed eating it together!
