Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Leaving Again!

I've been cleaning and packing getting ready to leave again. Michael arrived this morning for a week's R&R, so he'll take me to the airport this afternoon. Michael asked about our trip to Mexico and wondered why in the world Craig would want to do something as crazy as swimming with whalesharks. In the process of showing him a clip of it on YouTube, I found a video I hadn't seen before. It's supposedly filmed in Cancun, but I'm sure a lot of you will recognize the true setting!

I'll try to post when I can, but I'm not sure when and where I'll have reliable internet connections. Craig actually took some photos of the whalesharks with a disposable underwater camera. Maybe the photos will be here by the time I'm back!

Hasta luego!


  1. Have a great trip you Jetsetter!

  2. Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do! ha!

  3. Jana, I just spent an hour driving around Tulsa because the rental car agent gave me the wrong directions to the motel. I'm off to a dubious start on this road trip! Jeanie, if you saw this motel, you wouldn't call it jetsetting! HA!
