Friday, November 13, 2009

Some Ferry Fotos!

Yesterday, I collapsed into Rip Van Winkle mode. I fell asleep on the sofa in the afternoon and could hardly rouse myself for dinner. Then I slept through Survivor and finally went to bed around 9 p.m. I woke up once in the night, and then slept until 7 a.m. So I hope I'm caught up now!

Leaving Isla was bittersweet. I was definitely glad to have the extra three days on the island after the hurricane, but anxious to get back home! It was hard to leave waking up to a view like this every morning.

I love the service at Media Luna. I had mentioned to the guys at the desk that I would need a cab when I left. When I checked out at the front desk around noon, they had remembered and a taxi was waiting!

Here's one of the old Ultra Mar's arriving with passengers from the Palace Resorts. Guess they found a use for them!

Soon we were underway and out on the water. Ahhhhh. What a lovely way to end a vacation -- on the turquoise waters of the Caribe. That's one of my favorite things about a trip to Isla. No car required! Saves money and reduces stress!

Adios Isla until next time!

Unfortunately, when I feel asleep yesterday, my computer went into hibernation. I've spent hours trying to get it back up, and it finally awoke from the dead this morning. So I MUST get my photos loaded onto the memory sticks today! The beast is dead!

1 comment:

  1. The last ride heading home is always bittersweet. You generally want to head home but you hate to leave Isla.

    Glad to hear you got a few extra days there.
